Chester blackberries

Chester blackberries
The United States Department of Agriculture developed the Chester thornless blackberry for its large, very sweet fruit. This variety grows quickly and is resistant to diseases such as blight that afflict other blackberries. It produces its high yield of fruit in July—from jam to wine, the Chester thornless blackberry is a winner for gardeners in many climate zones.
- The most winter hardy of the thornless varieties
- Large fruit and mild flavor
- Fruit is of high quality
- Usually needs a trellis
Have you ever tried growing Chester blackberries? Are there any challenges you face growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Chester blackberries.
Great information above! Thanks.
Where i could find that plants the chester thronless blackberry at St-Jean sur Richelieu in Quecbec canada
As you probably know, most US Nurseries will not ship live plants across the border, so you will want to find a reputable nursery near your home. Many nurseries are willing to order plants for you if they are not in stock. Another option is to try ordering through a Canadian based online company such as treetime.ca, silvercreeknursery.ca, veseys.com, canadiantreenursery.com, salisburygreenhouse.com, etc.
Happy Gardening!