Canary Melon

Canary Melon
The Canary melon gets its name for its vibrant yellow skin. Inside, the melon has light green flesh with a yellow center. The Canary melon will grow into a football shape, producing melons of 4 to 5 pounds. This melon keeps well and is sweeter than a typical cantaloupe or honeydew. The Canary melon likes to stretch out, so you might want to consider a trellis for the vines and some support for the fruits as they grow.
Sun Exposure
- full sun (six to eight hours)
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- 3 to 9
- thin to three or four seedlings in a 12-inch mound
- space mounds 6 feet apart all around
- 1 inch per week
- prefers well-drained, sandy loam soil with lots of direct sunlight
- watch for aphids and powdery mildew
- keep growing melons off the ground, with melon cradles or mesh bags
- black plastic mulch does double-duty, retaining soil heat and deterring weeds
Have you ever tried growing Canary melons? Are there any challenges you face growing them? Please tell us your best tips for growing Canary melons.