Burgess Buttercup Squash

Burgess Buttercup Squash
Burgess Buttercup squash set the standard for golden squash way back in 1952, and it’s still going strong. This heirloom squash has a turban shape with deep green skin streaked with silvery stripes and spots. The flesh is a deep orange and cooks up with a rich, sweet, buttery flavor. Fruits weigh in between 3 and 5 pounds, and store well for months.
Sun Exposure
- full sun
Soil pH
- 6.0 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones
- 2 to 9
- 4 to 5 feet
- at least 1 inch per week
- fruits grow to 8 inches long
- creamy, deep orange flesh
- 90 to 105 days to maturity, depending on your seed source
Have you ever grown Burgess Buttercup squash? Please tell us your favorite thing about them and your experiences growing Burgess Buttercup squash.