Bac Lieu Vietnamese Cilantro

Bac Lieu Vietnamese Cilantro
Vietnamese cilantro, or rau ram, looks and tastes different from standard cilantro. It has long, slender, smooth leaves, strong flavor, and an extra kick of citrus. This type of cilantro is one of the most heat resistant and is slow to bolt. It works particularly well in Asian cuisine, but plays nicely with most dishes that call for cilantro. Just be aware you may want to use less.
Sun exposure:
- Full sun
Soil pH:
- 6.2 to 6.8
Hardiness Zones:
- 2 to 11
- Thin to 6 inches apart
- Space rows 12 inches apart
- 1 to 1 1/2 inches per week depending on rainfall
- Strong flavor with extra citrus notes
- Grows 12 to 24 inches tall
- Attracts beneficial insects
- Matures in 30 to 40 days
- Most suitable for Asian cuisine, in recipes or served on the side
Have you ever grown Bac Lieu Vietnamese cilantro? Please tell us your favorite thing about it and your experiences growing Bac Lieu Vietnamese cilantro.