Summer is the perfect time of year for getting outside, enjoying the warm sunshine, and tending to your garden. It is also the time to make sure you water properly!
One of my biggest mistakes one year was failing to properly water everything in my container garden. Once, it was not enough water … then another time, I watered my basil too much (the
leaves turned an ugly yellow!)
It’s not as if I don’t know how to check the soil in my planters for the right moisture level. And what about Autumn bulb planting, fertilizing, mulching, and weeding? I just need a visual tool with checklists and reminders for keeping me and my garden organized.
Now comes the 2023 GreenPrints Summer Garden Planning Calendar Kit—and you have a tool for keeping you on track:
- Never miss an important planning task for ensuring a gorgeous garden this Summer—this calendar is full of monthly tasks and checklists.
- Be regularly inspired to plan, plant, and enjoy your Summer garden.
- Cover every moment of Summer, starting in June and ending in September, with 4 full months in this seasonal calendar.
Download the GreenPrints 2023 Summer Garden Planning Calendar Kit right now.