I don’t know about you, but for me, although February is the shortest month days-wise, it always seems to take the longest for me. Being a leap year, with an extra day, just makes it feel like torture.
February, to me, feels like a time of endless winter. The sun struggles each day to just make an appearance. There is a layer of snow covering any semblance of my garden. The trees are bare and look to be so drooping and sad. It feels like the whole world needs an uplift.
This is the time of year that I even dread going to the grocery store. The section reserved for local farmers is now filled with canned items. The produce, while still looks fresh, is not quite as bright and cheerful as what we enjoy during the summer months. I see many more people tossing sweets into their carts than fresh vegetables.
Today I decide to get a different mindset. If I can’t have summer outside, maybe I can recreate it inside. I take an early morning trip to the grocery store. I grab containers of fresh blueberries and raspberries. They may not be quite as sweet as the ones from my bushes, but they sure look juicy! I pick up a crisp head of romaine lettuce, some very red-looking Roma tomatoes, and a firm cucumber. I come across some fresh mushrooms and Brussels sprouts and have an instant idea for dinner!
I bring all of my treasures home and plan out my meals for the day. Breakfast is yogurt with some of the fresh berries and granola. Lunch is a crunchy, satisfying salad. But it is dinner that I am most excited for. I toss my Brussels sprouts in a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, and start them roasting in the air fryer. This gives them a crispness that helps bring out their natural flavors. In a pan, I sear some chicken breasts in butter with some freshly chopped garlic cloves. I toss in my sliced fresh mushrooms and let it all simmer for a bit. Once I am certain that the chicken is about ready, and the Brussels sprouts only have a minute or two left, I cover the chicken breast with some shredded cheese. Timers ding, and the smell is heavenly.
I enjoy a fresh, wonderful meal that is not too different from what I would have made in the summer with ingredients fresh from my garden. I feel so much lighter and happier. I have stolen a bit of summer in the middle of winter.
As I pack up leftovers and smile at the berries waiting patiently for tomorrow’s breakfast, I remind myself that if I am creative, I can have a bit of summer all year long. Suddenly, February doesn’t seem that long.
Are there any specific things that you do to help fight the winter blues?