Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network

Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
If you’ve ever sunk your teeth into a sweet, juicy peach and wished you could grow your own, you’re in luck.
Though we often think of peaches as a warm-climate crop—Georgia peaches, anyone?—the truth is that peaches require some winter weather to encourage them to set fruit the following summer, which puts most of the United States in play as peach-growing territory!
The only places you can’t grow peaches is the deep south or southwest, where winter temperatures never drop below 45 degrees F. Other than that, you can start planning your crop right now!
Peaches aren’t just delicious, of course. They’re also a superfood filled with beta-carotene and antioxidants, plus Vitamins A and C. In fact, even though they have natural sugar to create that sweet taste, they’re considered a low-sugar food! You can’t beat that in a snack or dessert.
This collection is aimed at helping you plant, nurture, and harvest your own crop of peaches—in a couple of years, of course, because it takes time for a fruit tree to mature. But we think you’ll find it worth your wait for your very own crop of sweet peaches.
In this collection, you’ll find everything you need to know to achieve that goal, from picking the spot (or container) where you’ll grow your peach trees to fertilizing, watering, pruning, and more.
First, you’ll get an Introduction to Peaches that will give you all the background and history of this amazing fruit. You won’t believe how long ago peaches were first propagated and harvested! And in this country, you’ll be surprised to learn that it’s about more than just Georgia—as I said, almost anyone in the U.S. can grow peaches.
In this collection’s Feature Articles, you’ll learn all about planting your very own peach tree or trees—though you only need one, because peaches are self-fruitful, meaning they pollinate themselves (with a little help from bees). We’ve got you covered when it comes to nurturing your trees from the first year right through to when you actually have mature trees, just like a professional grower.
From the right fertilizer to dealing with pests and diseases, plus a primer on pruning (don’t panic—it’s not nearly as difficult as it sounds, especially if you’re a fairly experienced gardener), we’ve got what you need to get your trees from seed to seedling to tree to harvest. We even have two different methods for starting your tree from seeds—a fun project for children. Next time they enjoy a sweet healthy peach, ask them if they’d like to grow their own, and you never know, a gardener could be born!
In Plant Profiles, we’ll give you a sampling of peach trees, out of the 2,000 varieties that are out there. We think you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for in this wide-ranging sampling of varieties, even though it’s only a taste of the types that are available. If you know about (or discover!) other peach varieties that you really like, please let us know by commenting below.
For the experienced food gardeners among us, some of this may be familiar. But there’s always something more to learn once you really dig into the delightful peach, so check out the feature articles right now!
And if you’re somewhat new to food gardening, you’ll appreciate the detail we give you about the joys of peach growing. Whether you want to just stick a pit into the ground, or buy a year-old tree to get started, the information you need is all here.
One of the things that makes Food Gardening Network unique is the assortment of super easy and delicious Recipes, so that you can enjoy the fruits of your gardening labor. We’ve got salsa and salad, pie and, of course, peach cobbler (never forget the peach cobbler) that all let you show off your crop to friends and family. These recipes will make the wait for your first crop totally worthwhile!
Next, you’ll learn about Nutrition Facts and Home Remedies & Health Benefits of peaches—discover why the peach has earned a reputation as a superfood.
And in case you’re still thirsty for information about peaches, we’ve included a list of essential Resources to round out this collection, so you have easy access to solid information about planting, growing, harvesting, and enjoying your own delicious and sweet peaches. There are even resources about food gardening in general that you’ll find helpful, because we’re sure you won’t stop at just peaches!
At the end, you’ll find a short Glossary that recaps key terms about peach-related words and phrases—and food growing, in general.
You can’t beat the feeling of accomplishment you’ll get when you pick the peaches of your first crop. But I’m betting it won’t be your last, and by then you’ll be an expert. So, jump right in and learn all you can about this peachy topic!
Happy growing!