Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network

Norann Oleson, Editorial Director of Food Gardening Network
Did you know that blackberries grow wild all over the world? It’s true—but not everyone has access to their personal wild blackberry bush. So welcome to blackberry gardening, in which you can grow your very own bush, or bramble as it’s commonly called.
Because sweet yet tart blackberries are so easy to grow, we’ve prepared this all-in-one guide for you about growing, harvesting, and eating—with some easy-to-prepare and tasty recipes—your own home-grown blackberries.
In this collection’s Introduction, you’ll first learn some history and basics about blackberries, because gardeners are always interested in the background of the plants they nurture. Then, in the Feature Articles, you’ll get specifics about blackberry gardening—from types of plants and soil preparation to watering, weeding, and controlling and preventing disease.
Perhaps you’ve already grown some blackberries, learning the best methods as you go. But check out this collection for any tips and tricks that you might not already know, because we’ve truly pulled together all the information we could find on growing blackberries!
In Plant Profiles, you’ll learn about six popular varieties of blackberries for your consideration, so you’ll have specific details about the characteristics and flavors of particular varieties of blackberries.
While there are dozens of varieties of blackberries, we’ve chosen these six because these are some of the most commonly grown and best suited for the home gardener. If you’d like us to include another blackberry variety that appeals to you, please let me know by commenting below.
We are, after all, a network of food gardeners—for and by fellow food gardeners—who want to enjoy all the benefits of growing our own delicious food at home! Your thoughts on blackberry growing are important to us.
One of the things that makes Food Gardening Network unique is the assortment of super easy and delicious Recipes, so that you can enjoy the fruits of your gardening labor. Blackberries are excellent for so much more than traditional cobbler—though we’ve included that too, of course.
You’ll find recipes for pie, jam, smoothies, barbecue sauce—even a unique way to use blackberries with chicken and pork. Blackberries are so versatile, you’ll easily be able to use your abundant harvest.
Next, you’ll learn Nutrition Facts about Blackberries to find out exactly which nutrients are found in blackberries, and the most common compounds. Home Remedies & Health Benefits of Blackberries will help you learn about how key nutrients in blackberries can help with a variety of health conditions, from sore throat to the common cold to cancer. You’ll also learn all about other benefits and uses for blackberries, besides just enjoying their summery sweetness.
To help you explore blackberry gardening even further, we’ve included a Resources section that is complementary to this collection. We aim to give you everything you need to grow, harvest, and eat delicious blackberries, but feel free to take a deeper dive into these additional resources by visiting the links provided.
Finally, you’ll find a brief Glossary at the end of this collection in case you need a fuller explanation of any key terms and concepts.
Enjoy your blackberry gardening, and, of course, your harvest!
I live in Hawaii and many plants need a dormant season. I love love love lilacs. They don’t grow in Hawaii. I am 80 years old and still love gardening. Are there any blackberries that don’t require a dormant season. One of my favorite memories growing up in NH was in August going out to pick wild blackberries in the woods.