Mark Burton: From Louisburg, KS: “I spend a LOT of time sitting in a cubicle writing technical geological reports. This story is one of my first attempts to spend more time on the things that matter.”
Janet Barr: From eastern PA: “I do most of my writing late at night so it rarely infringes on my gardening. I would hate to give up on either one.”
Michael Christensen: Michael’s “My No-Grow Azaleas” is one of my favorite GP humor pieces. (Hint: It’s in your Weeder’s Reader.)
Gabriel Kirkpatrick: Topsham, ME’s Gabriel has had two beautiful es-says, “The Convent Garden” (GP 71) and “Eloise’s Snowdrops” (GP 97) in earlier issues.
Christa Chevalier: Christa has had essays in four prior issues of GP (74, 89, 94, & 97). She is the only person besides me to have written an issue-starting “At the Gate” essay (101).
Ry Mas: Jacksonville’s Ry spent her summers learning gardening and storytelling from her grandmother. Her ebook Evangeline the Series Part I is available from www.amazon.com. She was also in GPs 90 & 96.
Rebecca H. Sellers: From Madison, FL: “I’m a retired high school guidance counselor with an awesome husband and a strong faith. This is the first piece I’ve ever submitted for publishing!”
D. Ferrara: Wyckoff, NJ’s D. is a playwright, ghost writer, lawyer—and passionate gardener. Her moving story “The Future Rose” ran in GP 86.
Anne McGouran: Formerly a nonprofit development manager in Toronto, Anne now tends a native plant garden in rural Collingwood.
Beth Steeve: From Clarinda, IA: “A farm wife and writer, I hope this memoir captures the essence of how gardening has enriched my—and my family’s—life.”
Buds Credits
“Enjoy the Roses” (p. 29) from Cynthia Brian’s Growing with the Goddess Gardener.
“Think Like a Plant” (p. 49) sent in by Susan Patrick of Mequon, WI.
Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.