You’re invited to submit your caption for this week’s funny illustration by commenting below. We will choose a winner quarterly, and winning captions will be acknowledged in the print and …
In the history of seed starting mistakes, there's no doubt a section with my name on it. We've all been there, right? Maybe you go a bit heavy on the …
You'll find fond memories of a mother's garden or a grandmother's garden throughout the stories in GreenPrints. For many of the writers, these gardens are places of warm memories, life …
Like most gardeners, I experience gardening joy almost every time I walk into my garden. Admittedly, sometimes it feels more like gardening anxiety when I come across pests like aphids …
You’re invited to submit your caption for this week’s funny illustration by commenting below. We will choose a winner quarterly, and winning captions will be acknowledged in the print and …
If you've had the pleasure of working a customer service job of any kind, you'll be able to relate to the nursery man in this story. Of course, most customers …
A backyard meditation probably makes you think of a quiet moment, with the sun shining overhead, the songs of finches and orioles setting the mood, and soft grass underneath your …
My family and my family garden have both grown over the years. My very first gardens were me and some of my favorite herbs. Then, gradually, I added a few …