I love rosemary. It's easy to grow. It's hardy. And it tastes great in so many dishes. But I also regularly end up with powdery mildew on rosemary plants – …
"People Are Like Plants" by Gary Carter is a thought-provoking short poem about gardening that draws parallels between human characteristics and various plant species. This poem explores the diverse personalities …
I strolled through my garden just a couple of days ago and stumbled upon a seemingly lifeless rose bush near Orris Hill. Orris Hill, as we fondly call it, is …
Rabbits are the most adorable little critters. They twitch their little noses and hop around, making the world around them seem like an idyllic meadow, even if you’re in an …
I have great admiration for plant hunters, each one a botanical Indiana Jones. They sailed with Captain Cook on his first great voyage in 1768 and still today they are …
Even if the peony wasn't the designated flower of my home state of Indiana, I'd still cherish it. I have a particular fondness for the varieties with densely-packed heads—those glorious …
It may come as a surprise to some, but at the ripe age of 68, after indulging in countless pizzas throughout our lives, my wife Gail and I have stumbled …
As I stroll down memory lane through the rows of our family garden, one crop stands out among the tomatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries: hot peppers. And at the helm of …
I've always been fascinated by the beauty and importance of butterflies in our gardens. These creatures add a touch of color and movement to our outdoor spaces and play a …
Lightly the fine brush traces, faintly the supple hairs draw. The upturned leaves, sketched in a freehand style, coil like wisps of smoke about the stems. Yellow heads peak behind …