I'm not even sure where to start with today's story, "The Tulip Thief," by Carmen De Vito. It's a story about being robbed while working at The Horticultural Society of …
Recently, Gail and I embarked on an ambitious project to rearrange our herb and spice cabinet. Inspired by the flavors of our own backyard garden and some culinary research, we …
There are many reasons to consider growing fruit trees indoors. For me, it all boils down to control. With container fruit trees, like container vegetable gardens, you have total control …
What's the right size for raised garden beds? That's a great question! The answer? Well, it's not complicated, but it does take some consideration.
Of the many wonderful aspects of a …
Cocoa powder is the velvety essence of chocolate magic—born from roasted cocoa beans, finely ground, and stripped of most cocoa butter. It originates from tropical regions, where the cacao tree …
There's something about a hanging vegetable arbor that turns a garden into a magical hideaway where you can breathe deep and enjoy nature. In a way, I suppose that's true, …
It starts innocently enough. A seed-starter tray sitting in a sunny spot on your counter. Until you realize that you forgot to label them and now have to wait until …
Did you know that there are entire books written for dogs in the garden? They call it dogscaping!
This past spring we lost our pup suddenly at the youthful age of …
Assess Soil Absorption Capabilities
Overly saturated soils can cause root decay and turn your plant’s leaves yellow or brown. If you spot standing water in your garden after rainstorms, that’s one …