Today's story is about a newspaper reporter who went to report on a man's "Stink Plant," more commonly known as “The Sacred Lily of India,” but it is also known …
The only thing better than enjoying the produce from your garden is planning your garden. I could spend hours looking through seed catalogs, checking out the latest garden equipment, drawing …
One day you're fertilizing a few tomato plants, and the next thing you know, you're the type of gardener where an eighteen-wheeler is unloading 50 yards of compost for a …
It’s usually after the third or fourth big snowstorm that I start sketching out my garden design for the spring. If I’m being extra nerdy, I’ll even bust out the …
I’ll be the first to admit that I love potatoes. They’re so versatile in the kitchen; you can roast them, mash them, bake them, make chips, potato salad, potato pancakes, …
Way back in 1961, a gentleman by the name of Ernie K. Doe recorded a hit song called Mother in Law. The lyrics, in part, refer to the singer's mother …
Garden inspiration often comes with a jolt. At least, that's the case for me. I see something unique or read a story about a new garden design idea and I …
Nothing beats the taste of fresh herbs and you will never change my mind. And this year, my outdoor herb garden is a thing of beauty. ::brushes dust off of …
Composting is the gift that keeps on giving. I love turning food scraps, cardboard, grass clippings, and other green and brown materials into a usable and nutritious soil amendment. It …