Most wedding ceremonies call for candles or colorful sand, but ours called for a seed. We heaped soil, smiles, and a shower of water on it. We promised to tend …
Hi! I'm Amanda, and I'd like to talk about the different types of vegetable seeds. Why? Well, why not? Seeds are tiny miracles. It's amazing to me that something the …
There are two ways to think about unique vegetable garden ideas: one is design and layout, and the other is what vegetables you grow. But why not combine them? There’s …
Oh, the joy of seed catalog season! It's my favorite time of year when they start rolling in, long before the holidays are even over, but ready to read once …
It might sound ambitious, but with a few key ingredients, a dash of determination, and a touch of humor, you can turn even the chilliest corner of the United States …
"I'm bored! There's nothing to do." Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure every parent or caregiver has heard this on at least a few occasions. Some of us might be able …
No matter the weather, my daughter wants to be outside all day long, running, jumping, and usually getting quite dirty. As a toddler, she is a total sponge and loves …
There are some pretty opinionated pieces of writing out there when it comes to the debate between tap water vs. distilled water for indoor plants. One article I read went …
Do you find connection and regeneration in gardens? Do you speak the language of flowers? Of course you do, because I think, like me, gardening is a source of nourishment …
The Spotted Lanternfly looks like a moth to many, but is actually a leafhopper. In its adult form, it’s quite beautiful, which is part of the reason an invasive species …