Celebrating 5 Years of Food Gardening

Food Gardening Network

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Growing Fruits & Berries

In the articles below, learn everything you need to know about growing fruits and berries. Discover the easiest fruit trees and berry bushes to plant and grow, along with hacks for keeping them alive and producing delicious fruit.

Did you know there are around 2,500 varieties of apples that grow in the U.S.? You certainly wouldn’t if you’ve only gone to the grocery store. There are varieties of apples that are coveted by chefs, like the heirloom Esopus Spitzenburg, but good luck finding that at the supermarket. So, why not grow apples and other fruits and berries yourself?

No doubt, fresh fruit, plucked from a tree, is magical. Picking that sun-ripened, juicy peach right off the branch and biting into the soft, fuzzy fruit is the essence of a hot summer day. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do that? But trees take years to grow, right? Not necessarily! There are fast-growing fruit trees that bear fruit in as little as two years, and that’s why fertilizer exists!

If you want to start growing fruits and berries at home, keep in mind that critters may find their way into your yard too. Just about every animal loves fresh fruit and they will come knocking when you look like you’re serving a buffet. But don’t worry, there are many ways to protect your fruit trees from deer and other animals.

In the articles below, we share everything you need to know about growing fruits and berries. You can learn more about the delicious art of fruit and berry gardening in our How to Grow a Vegetable Garden: 10 Things Every Gardener Needs to Know Before Starting a Food Garden freebie. Enjoy!

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