GreenPrints Gardening with Kids
Gardening with kids is always an adventure, often filled with moments of magic and awe.
Gardening with kids is always an adventure and almost always a great way for kids and adults both to learn about gardening and nature. Is there anything better than a child discovering the seed she planted is now sprouting? Or perhaps the look of utter joy when they taste that first delicious strawberry of the season?
Gardening with kids can also test our patience at times. Though they mean well, it’s not unheard of to find that when they pulled all those weeds, the sunflowers came up, too. Of course, that’s really a lesson for us to slow down and remember that gardening with kids is supposed to be fun.
One thing it’s important for adults to understand is that gardening with kids, which seems like the most fun you can have in the backyard, isn’t all that fascinating to the average child with the attention span of a peanut. Or maybe like Anita B. Stone learned in The Little Girl With the Hose, it’s more fascinating than we realize.
Gerald Burke explores a similar question in Kids and Gardening. Will your kids remember gardening with you fondly or is that just another activity gone with the wind of technology?
Beware, though! Not all stories of gardening with kids are just about sharing the love of gardening. Sometimes, the kids team up to trick us. Deborah Young’s story, Outsmarting Mother, is a perfect example of what happens when our kids put their brains together and teach parents a thing or two. But mom is smarter than they think.
When you’re gardening with kids, you might be planting more memories than vegetables. And that’s okay.
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Feel free to stay a while and enjoy all the stories we have about gardening with kids, below. And be sure to check out our Gardening with Kids Collection while you’re here, which features a hand-picked selection of our favorite stories from this category.