About Pat Stone

Pat Stone

Pat is Founding Editor of GreenPrints, having established GreenPrints in 1990 as a unique gardening quarterly print magazine that is filled with entertaining, funny, and heartwarming stories about gardening and life. Pat’s vision continues to guide the editorial mission of GreenPrints, and he ensures that every published story is worth a read by subscribers.

Articles by Pat Stone

Do You Speak in the Language of Flowers?

Do You Speak in the Language of Flowers?

Do you find connection and regeneration in gardens? Do you speak the language of flowers? Of course you do, because I think, like me, gardening is a source of nourishment  
Seedy Doings

Seedy Doings

"Bee, I'm afraid I have to work late tonight. I've got a whole batch of radio scripts to write, and I'm way behind. You go on to bed. I'll come  
Gardening Poems Like This One Touch the Soul

Gardening Poems Like This One Touch the Soul

Gardening can provide nourishment for the body through healthy vegetables and fresh fruits. It can offer nourishment for the soul in lush foliage and gorgeous flowers. But gardening can also  
(almost) Ground Zero, Part II

(almost) Ground Zero, Part II

Last month in this column, I described our experience living in the area of Western North Carolina severely hit by Hurricane Helene [see “(almost) Ground Zero”]. Our part of Fairview  
Harvesting Wood

Harvesting Wood

I’m out in the forest alone—well, I do have my chain saw and beat-up pickup for company. I smell the crisp, fresh air. I bask in the November sun, whose  
(almost) Ground Zero

(almost) Ground Zero

We interrupt our regularly scheduled garden story . . . because we have been severely interrupted ourselves. By Hurricane Helene. North Carolina’s Asheville—and our outlying community of Fairview—were the areas  
(almost) Ground Zero

(almost) Ground Zero

Illustrated by Nick Gray *For everyone who has been asking how Pat Stone is doing in Asheville - we heard from him and here is his first hand account. North Carolina’s Asheville—and