Articles by Mike McGrath

In Praise of Snags

In Praise of Snags

Snags are dead trees left standing, which is the way of the world in the woods, but not in the American landscape, where imitation of Disney World plant sculptures is  
Goodbye Deck, Hellooooo Peaches!

Goodbye Deck, Hellooooo Peaches!

Yes, we spent the Summer under construction. The old porch—which my wife called “ratty” but I thought looked “authentic”—(She just yelled: “We’re both right; it was authentically ratty!”) came down,  
The Vines in the Pines

The Vines in the Pines

I grew pumpkins this year. Yes, I know. I did it, anyway. Life just doesn’t seem as sweet when you only do things that make sense.  
Snowed Peas

Snowed Peas

Boy—I’m showing my age with the classic duo in that headline, eh? Hey, kids—go ask your parents (please God, don’t make them have to go ask their grandparents, oh please,  
The Power of One Pepper Clapping

The Power of One Pepper Clapping

I must needs be pounding out these wascally words in the barely-of-Spring, whence I am (or should that be was? Or even will be, if you consider I’ll probably be  
The Amaryllis and the Pussycat

The Amaryllis and the Pussycat

It’s early December and I’m out driving when some folks at my public radio station call me with a Big Idea: Let’s send poinsettias to five stations that are on  
Like White Roses in a Wet Spring

Like White Roses in a Wet Spring

That’s ‘Spring’ the season, not ‘spring’ as in a body of water (which would HAVE to be wet or it wouldn’t BE a spring, come to think of it…) whose  
Hey! Who Threw Tomatoes at My Car??!!!

Hey! Who Threw Tomatoes at My Car??!!!

First, I am pleased to announce that I have planted my peas earlier this year than ever before and certainly earlier than anyone in my native Pennsylvania would consider even  
The Plant That Was Held Prisoner

The Plant That Was Held Prisoner

Before I get to this week’s Exciting Episode, I have to brag about my tomatoes. Almost everyone I spoke with said that this past year’s tomato harvest was awful. Mine  
Tomato Heartburn

Tomato Heartburn

It’s hard to imagine the words ‘casual’ and ‘leukemia’ together, but the pastor of my local church was extremely casual early this Spring when he casually told me in a