About Lowell Allen

Articles by Lowell Allen

Picking Up Pecans

Picking Up Pecans

My husband and I (by the way, we just celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary) live on his deceased father’s farm here in Tecumseh, Oklahoma. There are a few pecan trees  
Chasing Feathers

Chasing Feathers

As a child in suburban Michigan, I rarely interacted with animals. My mother, though, was raised on a farm and tells stories of riding horses, milking cows, and gathering dozens  
Founding Gardener

Founding Gardener

September 1797. The boy would be dead before dawn. He was fifteen, more handsome already than his famously handsome father, who had turned back toward New York City when he  
A Growing Gardener

A Growing Gardener

It was my intention to take the bottles to the redemption center, meet my friends Laura and Lauren for lunch, and then come home. It took me ten hours. You  
Crazy Woman Potatoes

Crazy Woman Potatoes

One of my earliest memories is my father using a pitchfork to remove straw that had been placed on the garden bed over Winter. He talked about new life and  
Bernadette’s Spot

Bernadette’s Spot

I am not sure if I could be considered a successful gardener or not. I certainly have the desire, and I spend my fair share of time working around the  


It was May, when plants grow inches a day and gardeners abandon spouses and kids for shovels and trowels. Tim was plant-shopping at the garden center. His pulse quickened when  
Home Groan

Home Groan

I suppose there are one or two people out there somewhere who are so perfectly organized that they actually keep all their gardening equipment in one easy-to-reach spot.  
Here Comes the Sun

Here Comes the Sun

In summer the sun sets due west of us over Lake Champlain and spends most of the afternoon shining in our kitchen windows—and, incidentally, spends the lion’s share of the  
Icky in the Garden

Icky in the Garden

One morning in early Spring, a scruffy-looking, short-haired, gray-and-white cat showed up on my front porch. I really didn’t want to adopt a pet, so I did not feed or