Articles by Laura Logan

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is an iconic and evergreen magnolia species known for its impressive, large, glossy leaves and strikingly fragrant, creamy-white flowers.  
Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia × soulangeana)

Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia × soulangeana)

The Saucer Magnolia, scientifically known as Magnolia × soulangeana, is a spectacular deciduous tree renowned for its large, saucer-shaped flowers that grace the branches in early spring.  
Loebner Magnolia (Magnolia × loebneri)

Loebner Magnolia (Magnolia × loebneri)

The Loebner Magnolia, scientifically known as Magnolia × loebneri, is a deciduous hybrid tree celebrated for its elegant form, stunning flowers, and adaptability to various climates.  
Kobus Magnolia (Magnolia kobus)

Kobus Magnolia (Magnolia kobus)

Kobus Magnolia, scientifically known as Magnolia kobus, is a graceful deciduous tree celebrated for its early Spring display of star-shaped flowers and elegant form.