About Kate Bruzzi

Articles by Kate Bruzzi

Cultivating Luck (with audio)

Cultivating Luck (with audio)

If you've ever wished for a garden brimming with luck, look no further than the ancient art of growing luck with the help of a leprechaun—especially the elusive and skilled  
Spring’s Teasing Dance (with audio)

Spring’s Teasing Dance (with audio)

"You don't have to do so much." Ah, the sage advice of Sweet Lori, the ever-opinionated mother. The seeds, the fuss, the digging—apparently, I was doing it all wrong.  
Flower Fairies

Flower Fairies

If you picture the Queen of England living in metro Detroit, you would have an accurate picture of my Nana. She is quite elegant and proper, and she always makes  
Weed or Flower? (with audio)

Weed or Flower? (with audio)

As a volunteer master gardener for our local Cooperative Ex­tension Service, I'm often asked, "Is this plant a weed or a flower?" Of course, the horticulturally correct answer is, "A  
For the New Year, Patience

For the New Year, Patience

Often when I speak to groups here in Texas, someone will ask, “How has gardening changed since you started?” There are some easy answers to that question. In the past