While northern gardeners are still shoveling snow, February in zones 9-10 feels like full-on spring, with daytime temperatures typically ranging from 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C) and nights generally staying above 45°F (7°C). Your last frost date is long past (or maybe never arrived), and the soil is warming up nicely. This is prime planting season in your southern garden paradise!
The warmth means you can start planting heat-loving summer crops while still enjoying cool-season vegetables. Just keep an eye on those occasional cold snaps – while rare, they can still surprise you in February. But don’t let that stop you from getting a jump start on your summer garden!
What to Plant in the Ground in February
Warm-Season Crops:
Tomatoes (plant early February)
- Heat-tolerant varieties like ‘Solar Fire’ and ‘Phoenix’
- Cherry types like ‘Sweet 100’ and ‘Sun Gold’
- Beefsteak varieties like ‘Park’s Whopper’ and ‘Better Boy’
Now’s the time to get those tomatoes in the ground! Plant them deep, burying the stem up to the first set of true leaves to develop strong roots. Provide support at planting time and mulch well to retain moisture. Keep an eye on nighttime temperatures – have frost cloth ready just in case, though you’ll rarely need it.
Peppers (plant mid-February)
- Sweet bells like ‘California Wonder’ and ‘Big Bertha’
- Hot peppers like ‘Early Jalapeño’ and ‘Cayenne’
- Specialty types like ‘Shishito’ and ‘Jimmy Nardello’
Peppers love your warm soil temperatures. Plant them 18-24 inches apart in rich, well-draining soil. Consider using black plastic mulch to warm the soil even more. They’ll establish quickly in your February conditions and start producing early fruits by late spring.
Bush Beans (direct sow all month)
- ‘Provider’ for reliable yields
- ‘Royal Burgundy’ for purple pods
- ‘Gold Rush’ for yellow wax beans
Direct sow bush beans every 2-3 weeks for continuous harvests. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart. Keep soil consistently moist until germination, which should only take 5-7 days in your warm soil. Your February-planted beans will be producing by April!
Cool-Season Crops (plant early February for last harvests before heat):
Root Vegetables
- Carrots like ‘Danvers’ and ‘Nantes’
- Beets like ‘Detroit Dark Red’ and ‘Chioggia’
- Radishes like ‘Cherry Belle’ and ‘French Breakfast’
- Turnips like ‘Tokyo Cross’ and ‘Purple Top’
This is your last chance for root crops before summer heat. Sow in well-prepared, loose soil. Keep the soil surface consistently moist until germination. Radishes will be ready in just 3-4 weeks, while carrots and beets take a bit longer.
Leafy Greens (plant early February)
- Lettuce varieties like ‘Black Seeded Simpson’ and ‘Buttercrunch’
- Spinach like ‘Bloomsdale’ and ‘Space’
- Swiss chard like ‘Bright Lights’ and ‘Fordhook Giant’
- Asian greens like pak choi and tatsoi
Get these in early month for one last harvest before the heat. Plant in rich soil with plenty of organic matter. Consider providing afternoon shade as temperatures warm up. Succession plant lettuce weekly for continuous harvests.

Common oregano
Herbs (all month)
Most herbs thrive in your February conditions. Plant in well-draining soil, and consider interplanting with vegetables to save space and deter pests.

Harvested sweet potatoes in soil.
Tropical Crops
- Sweet potatoes
- New Zealand spinach
- Malabar spinach
- Yard-long beans
- Southern peas
These heat-lovers can go in the ground now – they’ll take off as temperatures rise. Give vining types strong support, and plan for their eventual spread.
Essential February Garden Tasks
Your garden is entering its prime growing season, so there’s plenty to do:
First up: soil preparation is crucial now. Add compost to beds before planting, especially for heavy feeders like tomatoes and peppers. Mulch everything well – your warm climate means soil can dry out quickly.
Keep succession planting in mind – sow short-season crops like bush beans and radishes every couple of weeks. This ensures continuous harvests rather than everything maturing at once.
Set up irrigation systems now before the real heat arrives. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses under mulch will save you time and water later. Don’t forget to check any existing systems for leaks or clogs.
Most importantly, monitor weather forecasts. While frost is rare in zones 9-10, February can still bring surprises. Have row covers or frost cloth ready just in case, especially for tender transplants.
Remember, your February garden is already in full spring mode while other zones are still dreaming of warmth. Each seed you plant now is a promise of early harvests to come. What are you planning to grow this month?