Celebrating 5 Years of Food Gardening

Food Gardening Network

Growing food, fun & more

Food Gardening Magazine • November 2021

Gardening in November? I know this isn’t typically the month people think of in conjunction with gardening. And it’s true that at least where most of the Food Gardening team lives, the summer tomatoes and cucumbers are long gone. But the beets and Swiss chard in our gardens are still going strong and some of our herbs, like sage and rosemary, are as healthy as ever, too.   READ MORE right arrow

Food Gardening with Amanda

In November, I dream of soups and stews, cozy sweaters and yummy Thanksgiving food! Here in the Northeast (5b Hardiness Zone), November signals the end of the outdoor growing months and a big end-of-season clean up.  READ MORE right arrow
Garlic is my most-favorite herb of all time. I cook with it daily, and when I found out I had a nightshade sensitivity, I almost had a panic attack in the moments it took me to Google whether garlic was a nightshade. It's not—crisis averted.  READ MORE right arrow
If you were to ask me what part of my garden I love most, I'd emphatically tell you it's my herb garden. When people visit my backyard, it's the first thing I love to show off, and I've planted it on the pathway to the back door so that anyone coming to visit will get a little infusion in the air as they walk by.  READ MORE right arrow

Gardening Guide Close-Ups

beets cover
One of the many things I love about beets is the excuse they give me to grow some tasty beet companion plants. To be clear, I'm happy to have a garden full of beets just because I love beets. But like tomatoes, which offer a great excuse to plant more basil, beets and several other plants work especially well together.  READ MORE right arrow
There’s so much to say about sage. It’s a superstar in the kitchen, it has antibacterial and medicinal properties, it’s used in cleansing and spiritual rituals, and there are an estimated 900 varieties of this wonderful herb. If you’re thinking about growing sage at home, you’ll be happy to know it will grow in just about any climate.  READ MORE right arrow
I love peas. Peas are like the candy of the garden. Fresh from the pod they are sweet little early spring treats. Or they can be late-season treats when the rest of your garden is finishing up for the season. That’s one of the nice things about peas–they grow relatively quickly and they tolerate cool weather just fine, so you can usually get two plantings in if you want. But what is the best way to plant peas?  READ MORE right arrow

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