If you’re like me, you’re in countdown mode until the official first day of spring on March 20th. And it can’t come a minute too soon after the winter we’ve had this year! Except for the first day of spring, there’s not…
Food Gardening Magazine • March 2021
Food Gardening with Amanda
In March, most of us are just beginning to think about starting seeds after scouring seed catalogues for months and eagerly awaiting exactly this moment. Depending on where you live, it might be time to start seeds, or time to plant them directly in the ground. READ MORE
As a more “earthy” gardener who digs with her hands and often goes barefoot in the garden, I have to admit that until now, I’ve always gone the do-it-yourself route for starting seeds indoors. In the beginning, I would always buy grown seedlings from the incredible farmers co-op down the road from me, but once I started growing my own, they were always planted in everything from eggshells to egg cartons, to BPA-free plastic bottle bottoms. READ MORE
In our house we call this “heaven on bread” because it is just so delicious, and in fact I came up with it originally to trick my daughter into trying avocado toast because she loves strawberries so much. Plus, you can pair it with some strawberry soda for bonus points! READ MORE
Gardening Guide Close-Ups
Every gardener has a strawberry-growing tale to tell. They're just so sweet and delicious right off the plant and start producing so quickly that it's hard not to be tempted to try your green thumb at growing them yourself. READ MORE
Brussels Sprouts are such a versatile vegetable, it's no wonder so many gardeners choose to grow them! You can chop them up and turn them into a fresh salad, you can roast them with bacon, you can cook them into pasta—the options are limitless. Brussels sprouts look like miniature cabbages, and for good reason: they’re an offshoot, as it were, of the cabbage plant. READ MORE
Most people don't even think about growing grains in their own backyard, but you'd be surprised how easy and beneficial it is to grow your own quinoa! Quinoa appeals to most every gardener’s wish list: the strikingly colorful plant is easy to grow and harvest, can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, and naturally repels pests. READ MORE