Food Gardening Magazine • January 2021
By Bill Dugan, Editor and Publisher
Every January, people all over the world make New Year’s resolutions—commitments to themselves about improving their lives in a variety of ways. And every year, many people fail to live up to the resolutions they themselves have created. Not us food gardeners!…
Food Gardening with Amanda
Winter is the season of garden planning, and once the holidays are over, I like to sit down and dream about what my garden will look like in the spring and get a head start on my gardening wishlist. It's a good time to think about what you like to eat from your garden all summer and plan accordingly.
Mulled wine, I'm quite sure, is a gift from the gods. The autumn may have its hot apple cider, but the winter has mulled wine, and the best thing about this recipe is that it includes both!
"Don't ever let a recipe tell you how much garlic to put in. You measure that with your heart." If you've ever seen this saying and completely understood what it meant, then you're in the right place.
Gardening Guide Close-Ups
In this month’s
Food Gardening Magazine, you get everything you need to know about blackberries—so easy to grow, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start planting blackberries sooner! There are three main types of blackberry bush, and we’ll help you decide which types of blackberries are best for your growing situation. We’ve got you covered! You get all the tips, techniques, and advice about how to start and maintain a productive blackberry vine.
In this month’s
Food Gardening Magazine, you get everything you need to know about growing ginger root at home—so you always have that fresh, zesty taste on hand! You can pickle it, powder it, candy it, even simmer it for an invigorating cup of tea! Follow our tips on ginger plant care and prepare for a delicious harvest!
In this month’s
Food Gardening Magazine, you get everything you need to know about planting peas, growing peas, and harvesting peas—peas so delicious, you may wish you’d planted more! Once you’ve tasted fresh peas from your own garden, you may never be able to go back to canned or store-bought peas.
We’ve got you covered from planting through harvesting and cooking! We have all the tips for growing peas you need to start and maintain a delicious pea patch.