Reading GREENPRINTS is like stepping into a gentler world where people care about people, plants, sentiment, and beauty.
—Daniel Weil, M.D., Knoxville, TN
Three days after my daughter had her surgery, she got her free “Weeder’s Reader” bonus issue. I also got mine. I read the first story, and I cried. I read the second one and laughed out loud. It took me a minute before I could read it to my wife. I talked to my daughter to be sure laughter would not make her hurt—and read it to her.
—Byron Dumas, Clarksville, TN
So many of my family and friends (heck, even my dentist!) get so much joy from your magazine.
—Julie Freitas Valley Village, CA
Why do so many people Julie knows enjoy the magazine? Because she gives over 20 gift subscriptions! (hint, hint, grin, grin!)—Pat
Today the woman in front of me in the checkout line handed her $20 in change back to the cashier—and asked her to use it to help pay for my order. She had seen the 36 three-ring binders in my cart and realized I was helping to supply my own students. She remembered to “pay it forward.” May we all do so.
—Janet Mead, Williamstown, NJ
What a joy. It’s as if Glinda (the good witch in The Wizard of Oz) showed up in my mailbox from time to time and blessed me.
—Jo Glenn, Fort Royal, PA
I can’t stop talking about it.
—Clarice O’Neil, Oxford, NC