Ever since I was little, I have loved the phrase, “April showers bring May flowers.” It reminds me of the rejuvenation that comes each year. As a child, it was a very simplistic view. April would be wet and rainy without much chance to play outdoors. But it would all be worth it in May when all of the beautiful flowers were in bloom.
As I grew older, I found myself adopting a more philosophical view of this phrase. It serves as a reminder that sometimes we must weather the storm to enjoy the bounty that follows. There may be days with dark clouds overhead and showers falling, but when the clouds part and the sun shines through, there is usually a rainbow to light the way.
Every year, April begins cold, rainy, and raw, and I feel the urge to hunker down and hide indoors. I long for warm days when sunlight kisses the green leaves and vibrant petals open each morning. I tend to forget that to experience the beauty of those petals and sun-kissed days, we must embrace the chilly rain that coaxes the seeds into growing.
The same holds true in life. Anything that we truly aspire requires some amount of work and sacrifice. We need to stand in the rain before we can follow the sunbeams and rainbows to our own personal pots of gold. It is the rain that nourishes our abilities and allows us to grow as individuals.
Instead of hiding from the rain, maybe it is time to embrace it. Plant seeds during a soft morning mist and watch the soil happily accept the moisture. Plant a bulb on a dreary overcast day while envisioning the joy that will come as the first shoots push through the ground. Till the earth when it still holds onto the chill of Winter, knowing that it will soon be warmed by the Summer sun.
This is how I want to spend my April—not hiding in wait for the showers to clear, but embracing them and the promise of new growth that they hold. There may even be some time left before the skies darken too much to do some singing and dancing in the rain. And once the sun begins to set, I can move indoors and enjoy a little Gene Kelly, who certainly knew how to do it best! ❖