Read by Michael Flamel
As a youth, Sundays held a special place in my heart—a day of serenity and reflection, largely attributed to the joyous ritual of attending Bible school. Those Sundays were the bedrock of my moral and emotional upbringing, where great teachers shared timeless stories that served as guiding lights through life’s twists and turns. Bedtime tales from my parents, a rich tapestry of narratives, wove seamlessly with these biblical parables, forming a foundation that has withstood the test of time.
Decades later, I find myself revisiting those cherished stories, their wisdom resonating as I navigate the complexities of adulthood. In my heart, I am certain that these narratives from my youth have shaped the values and behaviors that define my best self today. Now, I take joy in sharing these stories with you—our cherished members—as I rekindle the warmth of those Sunday mornings.
In our new storybook, “Spirituality in the Garden,” I bring forth a select group of these cherished tales, stories that have shaped my perspective and guided me through both sunshine and storm. I hope these narratives will weave into the fabric of your lives, offering meaning, inspiration, and, above all, joy. For, if there’s one lesson I’ve gathered over the years, it’s the profound truth that embracing joy and gratitude is the key to my happiness and the happiness of those I hold dear.
As the executive publisher of GreenPrints, I am delighted to present this collection to you. Each page is infused with the essence of the values that have sustained me through the years. May you find solace, inspiration, and a touch of the divine within these pages.
Wishing you joy and a garden of blessings,
Don Nicholas
Executive Publisher