The rose, an enduring symbol of love and beauty, has captured the hearts and words of countless poets and writers throughout history. Here at GreenPrints, our love for roses runs deep, and we've amassed a treasure trove of rose-related stories over the decades that outshine any other flower in our collection. READ MORE
I am an unabashed romantic, heart and soul. I find romance in certain locations—England, Italy, and France come to mind—in historical legends, and especially in gardens. And there is one group of flowers that embodies everything a romantic flower should ... READ MORE
The contents inside the large and soggy cardboard box are unimpressive when you peel away the plastic coverings: tightly-stacked, plastic tie-bound bundles of 10 sharp, green, thorny sticks, each stick growing out of a muddy, rope-like mass. READ MORE
Dad flower gardened with enthusiasm and curiosity. It didn’t matter if plants were pass-alongs, came from purchased seed, or were just happy accidents—he enjoyed them all. Dad’s color blindness made for some entertaining combinations. READ MORE
Outside my Dad’s bedroom window in our little house in Paramount, California, grew an old rosebush that covered most of the back wall and the two windows looking out over the yard. READ MORE
In 2018, I found myself working in a flower shop in up-state New York on Valentine’s Day. I opened at 7 a.m., and at 11 a.m. in walks the doctor who had delivered my son less than 30 hours ago. I knew he was coming, because I had scrawled his name on a piece of white tissue paper when he phoned in an order earlier in the day. READ MORE
Once upon a time, in a quaint little cottage nestled at the edge of a charming village, lived a woman named Eliza. She was known far and wide for her vibrant and splendid rose garden that flourished beside her home. READ MORE