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Food Gardening Network

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5 Easy Healthy Winter Squash Recipes

Dish of baked Butternut squashes

The Fantastic 5: Winter Squash Recipes to Warm Your Soul

It's not just pumpkin spice latter season, my friends...the leaves are turning, there's a nip in the air, and you know what that means - it's squash-a-palooza, and I have some winter squash recipes to share! That means it's time to rally up all your favorite winter squash recipe, and if you don't have any,…  READ MORE
Roasted Stuffed Acorn Squash

Savor the Harvest with Stuffed Acorn Squash

I always look forward to the end of summer and deep into fall when my winter squash are ready for harvest. Last year my vines outdid themselves, producing a bumper crop that left me with baskets full of these emerald-striped beauties. While I love the satisfaction of…  READ MORE

Sweet and Savory Roasted Honeynut Squash Magic

Want to know how I came up with this Roasted Honeynut Squash recipe? Well, you know how some people have a "tomato guy" or an "apple lady" at the farmer's market? One summer when I was in my honeynut squash era, I became the neighborhood's "squash queen." It all started innocently enough. I decided to…  READ MORE
Spaghetti Squash Pasta Pies

Savory Spaghetti Squash Pasta Pies Reinvent Family Dinner

You know how sometimes the best things in life happen by accident? Well, that's exactly how I stumbled upon my obsession with Spaghetti Squash Pasta Pies. There I was, in this cute little place called Cafe on the Common in Barre, Massachusetts. They had this gluten-free special one night - a spaghetti squash pie. Now,…  READ MORE

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