That’s right. I’m putting a tomato stake in the ground and declaring that no matter where you live, you can garden all year long. Mind you, that doesn’t mean you should expect to harvest sun-ripened eggplants in January or Brussels sprouts in July (unless you live in specific planting zones). It does mean that there… READ MORE
Winter is the season of garden planning, and once the holidays are over, I like to sit down and dream about what my garden will look like in the spring and get a head start on my gardening wishlist. It's a good time to think about what you like to eat from your garden all summer and plan accordingly. READ MORE
Now that it’s February, we’re only a hop skip and a jump until the tulips start springing up where I live in the Northeast, the fragrant sign that winter is finally over. But by the time they’re in bloom, most of the gardening supply stores, including the farmers co-op down the street from me, are sold out of the most essential gardening tools, or at least any specific ones that I want. READ MORE
Since you can still get some frost in April, always make sure whatever you’re planting is frost-tolerant, or simply wait until the end of the month. In terms of coming up with a list of things to plant in April, there are many, but the list below includes five specific vegetables and fruits that can more or less only be planted in April because they don’t like the summer heat. READ MORE
Every month we love to share the best fruits, vegetables, and herbs you can plant, but since May is such a big month for planting, it would have been a shorter list of what NOT to plant in May. In most four-season planting zones, May is the most appreciated time to start on your garden; The ground is thawed, and the risk of frost is virtually gone. READ MORE
Is it misleading to say that every garden is beautiful? And the best garden layout for vegetables to thrive is more about science than aesthetics? I've seen gorgeous gardens with meticulously shaped rows of brightly colored vegetables and flowers. READ MORE
Some plants like the cool weather, while others prefer the heat. Some plants are easy to start indoors, like tomatoes, and others prefer to be planted directly, like beans. One of my rules of thumb is to visit my local garden center and follow their guidance. They don't typically put anything out until it's safe for them to be planted. That's why you might see herbs in May, but not tomatoes until late May or June. READ MORE
So you thought you’d just roll out of bed in July and start a garden, did you? Watch a little HGTV this weekend and decide to plant yourself a little victory garden? Considering that most veggies take 4-8 weeks to create a bounty, and the hot July sun isn’t an ideal base, you may have missed out on some opportunities for peak tomato season. But, all hope isn’t lost, because there are veggies to plant in July still, just don’t hit the snooze button again. READ MORE
If you want a happy garden, you can't really set it and forget it. If you ignore your garden for a few days in mid-summer, especially if you go away on vacation, you might come back to a jungle! And even if you're not skipping a few days of upkeep in the middle of summer, there are lots of mid-summer garden chores that will creep up on you quickly. READ MORE
Some people think that gardening is a summer’s game, but not only are there such things as succession crops—which you plant in the same place as your spring crops—but you can start planting vegetables in the fall that will pop up next spring. READ MORE
I grew up thinking September was a time to wind down from summer gardening and switch over to harvesting. But I’ve actually learned that there are vegetables to plant in September that thrive in cooler temperatures, depending on your location. READ MORE
A few years ago, I was in line at the farmer’s market talking to a farmer about how great he must be feeling because it’s the “end of the season.” (Did I mention that I stink at small talk?) My new farmer friend gently schooled me explaining there really is no “end of season” for a farmer, no matter what time of year it is. As we finished up and I removed my foot from my mouth, he told me there was plenty I could do in my vegetable garden to get a jumpstart on my spring crops. READ MORE
In November, I dream of soups and stews, cozy sweaters and yummy Thanksgiving food! Here in the Northeast (5b Hardiness Zone), November signals the end of the outdoor growing months and a big end-of-season clean up. READ MORE
Hello December! The weather is getting colder, the holiday decorations are going up, and visions of early spring crops are dancing in your head. READ MORE
I spent all summer in my garden, delighting in my fresh vegetables and generously seasoning delicious recipes with an abundance of fresh herbs. My herb garden is right along the pathway to my home, so I love smelling the mint, then the basil, then the thyme, as I walk toward the house. But now with winter looming over us and the first frost ready to murder them all, I’m switching gears to harvest mode, and getting creative with ways to keep my home-grown herbs part of my daily cooking throughout the winter. I’m excited to share with you how to harvest fresh herbs in the fall to use all winter long. READ MORE
As a more “earthy” gardener who digs with her hands and often goes barefoot in the garden, I have to admit that until now, I’ve always gone the do-it-yourself route for starting seeds indoors. In the beginning, I would always buy grown seedlings from the incredible farmers co-op down the road from me, but once I started growing my own, they were always planted in everything from eggshells to egg cartons, to BPA-free plastic bottle bottoms. READ MORE