Food Gardening Magazine • March 2023
By Bill Dugan, Editor and Publisher
Welcome to the March edition of Food Gardening Magazine! I love the month of March! Even though the weather can be quite the trickster, giving us tastes of warmth and sunshine followed by cold northern winds, it always feels like a turning point. We're slowly coming out of the chill of winter. Days are getting…
Food Gardening with Amanda
Before you start applying fertilizers and lime treatments to your soil, take a sample and have it tested, either at home or professionally. Soil tests are like DNA kits for your gardens. So many people amend their soil without even knowing what they're trying to fix. DIY soil testing can often prevent the need for…
In March, most of us are just beginning to think about starting seeds after scouring seed catalogues for months and eagerly awaiting exactly this moment. Depending on where you live, it might be time to start seeds, or time to plant them directly in the ground.
When you need some happy thoughts to brighten up a cold winter day, I know what you think of—
composting, am I right? OK, so maybe your first thoughts are of spring lettuce and summer tomatoes and you'd rather be hibernating from the cold, but if you want your compost to keep, you'll need to master composting in the winter.
Anytime is a good time for homemade soup. The more veggies the better, and the easier to throw in a pot, even better.
Throw it in, and let it go, I say. This recipe is slightly more involved, but I promise it's for good reason! See, ever since I started making my own tomato sauces and pastes, I have come to adore the flavor of grilled and oven-baked tomatoes.
Before we get into how to make compost, let’s look at the reasons why we make compost. In one word: benefits. The first year you use compost in your garden, it will be like someone superpowered your plants. Composting is also incredibly good for the environment for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is reducing…
Spring is an exciting time for us gardeners. It’s a busy time, too! After a winter of planning and anticipation, spring is when we turn all our dreams into reality. We go from the blustery, cool days of early March to the summer-like temperatures of June. During that time, our little seedlings turn into full-grown…
In GreenPrints Magazine, our sister publication, Becky Rupp often writes in-depth articles about gardening science or the history behind certain wonders of the garden. This article "The Sweet Smell of Rain" by Becky Rupp was published originally in 2022, in GreenPrints Issue No. 129. I thought it was a perfect fit for our "Dirt Issue" and…
Spring is an exciting time for us gardeners. It’s a busy time, too! After a winter of planning and anticipation, spring is when we turn all our dreams into reality. We go from the blustery, cool days of early March to the summer-like temperatures of June. During that time, our little seedlings turn into full-grown…
Gardening Guide Close-Ups
Beets are the best! Most vegetables are easy to love, but beets have a lot going for them. They're an easy-to-grow, fast-developing crop that belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family alongside Swiss chard. Even better, not only is the root edible, but so, too, are its leaves—providing you with a host of flavors to choose from! And…
Learning how to sprout broccoli seeds at home is easy, and it only takes a few days. But is it worth the effort? That's easy to answer with an enthusiastic YES! Broccoli sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants that can help boost your immune system, and they're easy to digest. And because they're…
Brussels sprouts, once the brunt of jokes about how terrible vegetables taste, deserve a much better place at the table. In fact, once you know how to cook Brussels sprouts, they're quite delicious! Fried in bacon fat, chopped in salads—it's all about how you make them! Cook them wrong, and they can be mushy and…