Celebrating 5 Years of Food Gardening

Food Gardening Network

Growing food, fun & more

February 2024

At The Gate

I know it’s the middle of Winter—and it can be cold and snowy in many areas. And this is often the time of year when many people are just “done” with Winter. I even have friends who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Fortunately I don’t suffer that. I, in fact, love Winter—and all the changing seasons Mother Nature gives us.  READ MORE right arrow


Typing on a laptop in a garden
James Dronenburg: Jim is an accountant by day and an Irish harper by night. Plus, he runs two garden clubs in the Washington, D.C., area. With four inside cats, chickens, peafowl, and a couple of golden pheasants, his house is busy! . His work appeared in GreenPrints Issues 107 and 114. Don Nicholas: Don serves as Executive Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrintsREAD MORE right arrow


Tucky (with audio)

I’m writing this from my office while looking out from the twelfth floor at billowing snow. I’m dreading going home. Not the journey … but what I have to do when I get there. Anyone who has been to our house in the past ten years would remember Tucky.  READ MORE right arrow

Family Mint

Mint: lively, bright, refreshing, sweet, aromatic. Moroccan mint tea, mint Mojitos, grasshopper pie: there is so much to love about mint. It even has a creation myth, in which a jealous Persephone turns a lovely nymph named Minthe into this herbaceous bush.  READ MORE right arrow


Usually I’m philosophical about the below-zero temperatures and snow we have every Winter in Minnesota. The deep freeze is a time to stay indoors, be less social, and avoid unnecessary errands. Mother Nature pushes me to slow down, be more introspective, and read more.  READ MORE right arrow

Our Peaceful Place

My fondness of dirt started when I was very young: making dirt tracks for matchbox cars (and leaving them out in the rain), building mudpies by the creek (then pouring water on them to watch them melt away)—and more.  READ MORE right arrow

I Love Loofas!

Warning: This story, like 90 percent of gardening, is a cliffhanger. Most of you will be familiar with that term, but in the interest of stalling for time, I will now explain. Back in the day, “going to the movies” involved not only the feature picture, but a cartoon, a Newsreel and a short subject beforehand.  READ MORE right arrow

My Dad’s Green Foot

I’m looking at the tomato plants against the fence in our back yard, hoping against hope that this year we’ll have a crop of juicy ripened tomatoes to slice and make what my Aunt Mary Murphy called “Gloosters.”  (Please see the recipe at the end of this story.)  READ MORE right arrow
God’s Gardener

God’s Gardener

Gardeners always talk about how much fun it is to browse through seed catalogs in Winter, to choose new plants and design new beds. Sometimes, though, I think it’s just work. And I’m not alone. Look back in the beginning of the Bible—Genesis, Chapter 1—and you’ll find God himself starting work on His plant choices.  READ MORE right arrow




Broken Trowel

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