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FREEBIE: Printable Butterfly Garden Planting Chart–get FREE access right now!

Create a garden that welcomes beautiful butterflies to float among the flowers with this printable Butterfly Garden Planting Chart

Dear Gardener,

Is there anything more lovely than watching a Monarch butterfly land on Milkweed or Swallowtails on Salvia? With bright oranges framed in black, rich crimson next to iridescent blue, yellows and whites that look like they could come from a stained-glass window, and so many other colors, it’s no wonder zoos and aquariums include butterfly gardens as new attractions; people want to see them up close! Now you can make your home a destination for butterflies with this printable Butterfly Garden Planting Chart.

Butterflies aren’t just a pretty addition to your garden, though. They’re among an elite group of insects that help pollinate flowers, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. While perhaps not as prolific as bees, butterflies can see colors that bees can’t, meaning they visit different plants than bees.

Plus, any garden that attracts butterflies is also likely to attract hummingbirds, bees, and songbirds, making it the perfect place to sit and enjoy nature. The only real question is about which plants to grow, and this Butterfly Garden Planting Chart has the answers.

How to Use your Printable Butterfly Garden Planting Chart

This Butterfly Garden Planting Chart is divided into four sections, so you know which plants or flowers you can grow based on the type of soil and amount of sun your garden gets. For example, if your garden gets a full day of sunlight and is well-drained, you can grow Aster, Lavender, Snapdragons, or four other plants that enjoy those conditions. If your garden gets partial sun and has moist, well-drained soil, there are four flowers you can choose from, including Lupine.

In all, there are two dozen gorgeously illustrated plants on this full-color Butterfly Garden Planting Chart. Choose your soil type and sunlight and you can easily see which plants will grow in your garden.

Along with this frame-worthy illustration, you also get these plants in list form, where you can discover their botanical name, how much sun and water they need, what kind of soil they prefer, and some additional interesting facts about each of them. For example, did you know that the low-maintenance Cornflower is famous as the long-running logo for Corningware? Or that the larvae of Monarch butterflies will only feed on Milkweed?

Here’s my suggestion: Figure out your butterfly garden design and plant as many flowers and herbs as you want. Tend to your plants as needed, then, pay attention. Soon enough you’ll start to notice a butterfly here and there. Then that number will grow. Before long, you’ll have a garden full of butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, songbirds, lady bugs, and all sorts of garden life.

Once you reach that point, make yourself a cup of tea, grab a good book, and go sit in the garden. It’s a great way to spend a summer afternoon!

Amanada MacArthur signature
Amanda MacArthur
Daily Editor


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