Celebrating 5 Years of Food Gardening

Food Gardening Network

Growing food, fun & more

FREE Guide: Gardening in Every Season—get FREE access to read this guide right now!

Keep your garden going year-round!

Dear Home Food Gardener,

No matter where you live, you can garden all year long. Will you be plucking ripe, juicy grapes from the vine in February? Probably not. But there are gardening project for any time of year, and others that are the perfect opportunity for you to get your garden — and your gardening mindset — prepped and ready for the next growing season.

Here at the Food Gardening Network, we’re all about growing our own good food. If you love to garden, you may feel worn out when you pull your last carrot from the garden. But with our FREE guide, Gardening in Every Season, we lay out a plan to keep your gardening muscles strong all year long!

Getting started in Gardening in Every Season: Spring is in the Air!

OK, this is going to sound pretty basic, but we need to say it out loud: plant what you like to eat. Is zucchini a prolific grower? Yes. Do you love zucchini? If the answer’s not a resounding Yes! then maybe you should consider another crop. We include some delicious recipes with ingredients you can grow yourself, so you can start your own menu (and planting) planning.

Plant what you like to eat. Really, that’s the point of food gardening, after all.

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer? In Gardening in Every Season: 7 Veggies to Plant in July

Tomato planting season may be in the rearview come July, but there are still delicious plants you can plant and harvest before first frost (if you even have a first frost). No matter what hardiness zone you garden in, there are seven delicious veggies that you can plant in July. In  Gardening in Every Season, check out our list of easy-growing veggies that even procrastinator gardeners can get in the ground mid-summer.

Gardeners from coast to coast, in every growing zone, take heart! There are seven vibrant veggies ready and waiting for you to grow. Let’s get planting!

”Fall” in Love with Your Garden. In Gardening in Every Season: The Season of Seasoning

One thing we can all grow, no matter how horticulturally challenged, is herbs. Whether you grow your basil in a bucket, your parsley in a pot, or your sage in the side yard, those aromatic herbs are worth savoring — and saving.

In  Gardening in Every Season, we’ll show you how to preserve your herbs three different ways so you can enjoy them for months to come. Plus, for your herb plants that are biennials or perennials, we’ll walk you through the process of putting the plants to “bed” for the off-season.

A Green Winter Wonderland? In Gardening in Every Season: What To Grow In December

Nothing grows in the winter, right? Well, not quite. Whether you live in a region that sees snow, or you’re in a zone where the weather goes from hot to not quite so hot, there is gardening to be done — and it can all be done indoors!

Request our FREE guide,  Gardening in Every Season, and get the “inside” scoop on what to grow and how to grow it, even as the days grow shorter. You’re going to love the good food you can grow without even stepping outside!

Any Season Is Gardening Season!

Spring is the traditional time to start gardening. But in our FREE guide,  Gardening in Every Season, we show you how gardening can really be a year-round adventure. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter — there’s always something you can do with gardening!

Get ready for a year of great gardening! Gardening in Every Season today!

Bill Dugan Signature
Bill Dugan,
Editor & Publisher
Food Gardening Network

P.S. Act now to get this FREE guide,  Gardening in Every Season—and you’ll have gardening projects to enjoy all year long!


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