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FREEBIE: Printable Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart–get FREE access right now!

Take advantage of this FREE Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart to create a garden rich with vivid colors and lush foliage.

Dear Gardener,

My flower garden was not doing so well. The Marigolds were leggy and thin, the Lavender didn’t flower like my neighbor’s, and I’d like to forget the poor Daffodils, drooping with sadness and lack of sunlight. I thought that maybe flowers weren’t for me. Then I learned more about flower garden companion planting.

Companion planting is based on the idea that certain plants work well together. Like good coworkers or a winning soccer team, they thrive in similar conditions and help each other out. The most famous grouping is probably corn, beans, and squash. Beans provide the nitrogen that corn and squash need, corn offers the bean vines a place to climb, and the big leaves of the squash plant help the soil retain moisture. But the idea works with other plants, too.

For example, rosemary and oregano both grow well with the soil on the drier side. Ferns and Bleeding Hearts are both native to woodlands, so they grow well together in moist, fertile soil with sunlight filtering through taller trees. So now, with a little more planning and thinking about the growing conditions around my home, my garden is doing much better. Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds visit regularly, and there’s plenty of color for me to enjoy, too.

I’d love to share with you some of these groups of flowers and herbs, so you, too, can enjoy a garden with fantastic foliage and busy bees. I find looking at a chart is easier sometimes than reading through the information, so this Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart is the result of that.

How to Use your Printable Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart

Nothing catches the eye like a colorful flower garden. Be it part of your carefully-tended landscaping or something on the “wilder” side, flowers are one of nature’s ways of grabbing our attention and helping us remember the beauty in the everyday. But even nature has some rules around design. And this Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart is the key to figuring out that design.

Hostas, for example, enjoy partial to full shade and fertile, well-drained soil. Lilacs, on the other hand, need full sun and very well-drained soil. I love them both, but with such different requirements, they are not the most ideal for flower garden companion planting.

So what can we grow with Lilacs? Peonies, Daylilies, and Daffodils are good options. They all like lots of sun and fertile, well-drained soil. What about those Hostas? Or Marigolds? Or Roses?

This Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart has dozens of flower and herb combinations, based on soil and sunlight needs and categorized under nine of the most popular flowers. You can use it to plan out your garden and plant companion plants together.

Whether you have a shady yard or full sun and loamy soil, this beautifully illustrated chart offers plenty of ideas for a gorgeous garden. With dozens of plants to choose from and even more companion combinations, you can have an abundance of colorful, healthy, and happy plants! Oh! And did I mention – it’s free! Download our Flower Garden Companion Planting Chart today.

Amanada MacArthur signature
Amanda MacArthur
Daily Editor


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