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FREEBIE: 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home—get FREE access right now!

Growing fruits and berries at home has never been easier—get this FREEBIE about the easiest fruit to grow indoors or out, and the simple steps to take to get you on the path to your very own delicious fruit and berry harvest!

Dear Gardener,

There’s nothing like the burst of flavor that comes from fresh fruit. If you’ve always wanted to grow fruits and berries at home but didn’t know where to start—this is for you! Because with this FREEBIE, 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, we’ll walk you through the best fruit and berry choices for growing both indoors and outdoors, along with tips about watering, fertilizing, and discouraging the wildlife from making a meal of your hard work.

If you really love tropical fruit but your winters are cold and snowy, no worries! We’ll help you pick the easiest fruit to grow in your area! Want to take the plunge and plant a tree or two in the yard? Learn how to pick the fruit tree that’s ideal for where you live!

Please use this FREEBIE 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, to start planning your very own little berry patch or the easiest fruit to grow for your personal taste. Whether this is your first foray into nurturing a fruit tree to harvest, or you’re a seasoned gardener looking to expand your cultivation horizons, you’ll find valuable information to get on the path to sweet success. Let’s take a look at the essentials.

The Fastest Growing Fruits and Berries

Gardening is an exercise in patience; it’s true. There’s no such thing as immediate gratification when it comes to home gardening—but you can choose the easiest fruit to grow and berries that grow faster than others to get you closer to filling your harvesting basket with your own homegrown goodness!

You won’t find any shortage of options when you’re looking for the easiest fruit to grow, no matter where you live. You have plenty of varieties of fruits you can choose to plant—no matter what growing zone you’re in, there’s a fast-growing fruit or berry that will be perfectly at home with you. When you read 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, you won’t have to worry about finding a fruit tree or berry that suits you—you’ll have a hard time settling on just one! And, really, who says you have to choose just one? Find out how a little chill is a good thing, why two trees can be more fun than one, and which fruit trees soar to delightful heights. How wonderful to sit in the shade of a tree you grew yourself—all the while enjoying the, um, fruits of your labor!

And if you don’t have the space or inclination to grow your fruits or berries outside, we’ll tell you about the oh-so-versatile berry that’s happy to grow wherever it’s planted.

The Easiest Fruit to Grow Indoors

What you grow, and where, depends a lot on how much growing space you have. If you long for the taste of apples fresh off the tree, but you live in a high-rise, maybe you should plan on a trip to a local orchard when apples are ripe, and look at some indoor-friendly fruits. You might be surprised at the variety of options you have when you’re trying to choose the easiest fruit to grow—even with limited space.

Let’s hear it for container gardening! Even if you have a big yard, maybe your growing zone isn’t quite suited to growing a banana tree. Yes, you can have your very own banana tree. Breakfast will never be the same again!

The beauty of container gardening is that you can keep your fruit tree indoors in colder weather, and move it outdoors when things warm up. In our FREEBIE, 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, we’ll give you some tips on choosing the right container for your situation. And find out why bigger isn’t always better. We’ll help you pick the easiest fruit to grow in our FREEBIE!

Fertilizing Fruit Trees and Berry Plants

Fertilizing your fruit tree and berry plants is a delicate dance between what you think your plants need and what they really need. They all need nutrients to grow big and strong; it’s true. But sometimes, in our enthusiasm, we can over-feed our plants—and that can put our crop at a disadvantage.

In our FREEBIE, 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, find out why fertilizing your fruit tree or berry bush is a sometimes-important part of plant care. And we’ll tell you about the most important step to take before you ever set spade to earth to put your new plants in the ground. Making sure the easiest fruit to grow has a chance to flourish requires a little preparation.

When it does come time to fertilize, learn the best practices to nurturing your fruit trees or berry bushes so they can flourish right through harvest time and beyond. We’ll tell you about the when, how, how much, and what kind when it comes to fertilizing—so you can be the best fruit and berry grower you can be!

Pick the easiest fruit to grow and get the essentials of optimal fertilizing in 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, right now!

Watering Fruit Trees

Water is essential to all life, and your fruit trees will languish without enough water. But, as in all things, there can be too much of a good thing. Over-watering can be just as bad—or worse—than underwatering.

Ah, if only it were as simple as going out to the “orchard” once a week with the garden hose and giving your trees a good soaking. Alas, it’s a little more complicated than that—but not by much.

Each type of tree has its own particular needs, and it’s a snap to learn how to water your tree for optimal growth. We’ll review the essential water needs on our list of the easiest fruit to grow so you can get a sense of how much of a commitment you’ll need to make to make things work. Learn more about the watering needs of:

  • avocado
  • apple
  • peach
  • apricot
  • cherry…and four more popular trees!

So, how can you tell if you’re under-watering or over-watering your fruit trees? Learn now in 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home.

Protecting Your Fruit from Wildlife

There’s something magical about seeing deer stroll into your yard—until you see them making a beeline for your well-tended fruit. We’re all part of nature, and everybody’s gotta eat—but the neighborhood deer don’t get first dibs on your fruit. The birds aren’t invited to chow down either. But how do you keep them away? The easiest fruit to grow shouldn’t also be the easiest fruit for wildlife to snack on.

With a garden, life’s a little easier: put up a fence, throw a row cover over your crops. But a tree? That’s a bit more challenging, especially when you consider that deer just love tender saplings and low-hanging fruit—and the fact that they can jump the average fence.

Worry not, tree guardian! There are many strategies you can implement to defend your trees from the inevitable onslaught of local wildlife:

  • fencing
  • nets
  • herbs
  • soap
  • wind

Add to those defensive techniques a recipe for a stinky spray that will make deer and other critters think twice before they try to make a meal of your growing trees. We give you the details on all of these approaches in 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home,  our FREEBIE for you, available right now!

Stop pining away for your own fruit tree or berry bush and start planning your planting! Read 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home, right now, and you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your own labor! The easiest fruit to grow is just a planting away!


Amanda MacArthur,
Senior Editor & Producer
Food Gardening Network

P.S. Act now to get this FREEBIE, 15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home —and prepare to savor the flavor of the easiest fruit to grow yourself!

  • Erika M.

    por favor ya no me manden articulos. No tengo jardin. Gracias.

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  • Arborist W.

    Taking care of my garden is one of the most important things that I care about so much. I will definitely give a try of your tips. Thank you so much!


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