Celebrating 5 Years of Food Gardening

Food Gardening Network

Growing food, fun & more

FREEBIE: 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat!

Discover the types of fruits and vegetables you can grow that are safe for your pet —and that your pet will enjoy!

Dear Gardener & Pet Lover,

If your furry friends are anything like mine, they come running at the sound of the refrigerator door opening (or their treat drawer) and look up with pleading eyes when you grab yourself a snack. And if you’re anything like me, you probably often wonder what tasty treats you can share with your four-legged best friend that are not only tasty but also safe for your pet to eat.

And you can grow fruits and vegetables that both you and your pet will enjoy together. What is better than a homegrown healthful snack for both you and Fido or Fluffy?

Remember when your mother used to tell you to eat all your fruits and vegetables because they’re good for you? Well, it’s a little different for your pets, because some items are not safe for your pets to eat. That’s why we put together this FREEBIE, 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat! Because we want you to have this handy printable list of the best—and safest—things to feed your dog or cat.

What types of fruits can you grow and share with your pet?

Fruits are yummy to eat, and your pet will love the safe fruits highlighted in our FREEBIE, 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat!, including:

  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Download our FREEBIE to get the full list!

Discover all the top fruits that pets will love to scarf down and that are perfectly safe for them—when you download the printable 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat! chart now.

What types of vegetables can you grow and share with your pet?

Vegetables are good for you … and your pet … but you just have to know the best safe veggies to feed your dog or cat. Get the full list of top vegetables to feed your pet in our FREEBIE, 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat!, including:

  • Broccoli
  • Green beans
  • Download our FREEBIE to get the full list!

Discover all the top vegetables that pets will love to eat and that are perfectly safe for them—when you download the printable 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat! chart now.

For the types of fruits and vegetables to grow that are safe for your pet, here are top preparation and serving tips.

While the fruits and vegetables in this printable FREEBIE chart are safe to give to your pet, please follow these tips for ensuring safe, healthful, and tasty treats every time:

  • Wash all fruits and vegetables before serving them to your pet—just like you do for yourself.
  • Make sure that all fruits and vegetables are unseasoned—your pet’s tastebuds are likely not as adventurous as yours, so just serve these items plain.
  • This item should be cooked (and cooled) before serving to your pet—discover which item has to be cooked when you download this FREEBIE now.
  • For fruits, remove all stems, peels, seeds, and cores—just like their owners, pets want to enjoy the meat of these foods.
  • Cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces for your pet—it’s easier for them to consume these foods when cut up for them (not unlike how you might serve food to a young child, coming off baby food and starting to eat “real” food).
  • Always check with your vet for any dietary restrictions.

Your pets deserve to have tasty and healthful food that isn’t always dispensed from a can or bag. When you plan ahead, you can plant a garden that ensures your pets will enjoy snack time with you—by choosing fruits and vegetables for them from this easy-to-use printable chart, 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat!

Give your food-garden planning a whole new meaning when you consider how to delight your pet with fresh and healthful foods!

Print out this chart today and keep it on hand when planting or harvesting from your garden, or even for your next trip to the grocery store or farmer’s market. Share it with others in your household, or even just laminate it and keep it on your fridge! Your four-legged best friend will be sure to thank you!

To your pet’s health and happiness,

Christy Page
Editor & Publisher
Food Gardening Network

P.S. Get this FREEBIE now, 10 Things You Can Grow That Your Pet Will LOVE To Eat!, to both please and protect your cherished pet with the best and safest foods from your garden!


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