There’s something quietly thrilling about those first April mornings in the garden. After what feels like an endless winter of thumbing through seed catalogs and sketching garden plans on scraps of paper, the soil is finally starting to wake up. I find myself walking the garden beds each morning, tea in hand, checking soil temperatures and looking for those first brave shoots of perennial herbs and asparagus pushing through the mulch.
April in zones 4-6 is a month of patience and possibility. The days warm to a pleasant 45-65°F, but those nights can still make a gardener nervous, hovering around 35-45°F. We’re not quite past the danger of frost – that won’t come until mid-May in zone 6 or early June if you’re up in zone 4. But that doesn’t mean we have to sit idle.
I’ve learned over the years that April gardening is more art than science. Yes, you can mark the last frost date on your calendar (and you should), but the real measure is in the soil. Once it reaches that magic 40°F mark, a whole world of cool-season planting opens up. I keep a soil thermometer in my pocket this time of year, probably checking more often than necessary, but there’s something satisfying about watching those numbers slowly climb.
This is the month where experience has taught me to keep row covers close at hand and watch the weather forecasts with the dedication of a meteorologist. Some years, April delivers perfect spring rains and gradually warming temperatures. Other years, it throws late snow and freezing nights just when you think you’re in the clear. That’s why I’ve learned to focus on the hardy pioneers of the vegetable garden – the root crops, leafy greens, peas, and brassicas that can shrug off a light frost.
Meanwhile, indoors, my windowsills are gradually filling with seedling trays as I get a head start on the warm-weather crops that will take center stage once summer arrives. It’s a balancing act, this April gardening, but there’s something deeply satisfying about working in harmony with the season’s gradual awakening.
Direct Sowing in April
Root Crops
A cool-weather staple, carrots thrive in early spring soil. Keep the soil consistently moist for steady germination, and protect young seedlings from heavy spring rains.
- Best Varieties: ‘Nantes’ (sweet and crisp), ‘Danvers’ (great for storage), ‘Little Finger’ (ideal for containers), ‘Imperator’ (long, straight roots for deep soil).
These versatile root vegetables add vibrant color and nutrition to your garden and table. Thin seedlings to 4 inches apart, and use the young greens in salads.
- Best Varieties: ‘Detroit Dark Red’ (classic and flavorful), ‘Chioggia’ (candy-striped Italian heirloom), ‘Golden’ (mild and non-staining), ‘Bull’s Blood’ (dual-purpose for greens and roots).
One of the quickest crops to mature, radishes can be succession planted every two weeks for a continuous harvest.
- Best Varieties: ‘Cherry Belle’ (classic red, ready in 22 days), ‘French Breakfast’ (mild and elongated), ‘Watermelon’ (striking pink flesh), ‘White Icicle’ (crisp and heat-tolerant).
Leafy Greens
Lettuce is easy to grow and thrives in cooler temperatures. Succession planting every two weeks will keep your salads fresh and varied.
- Best Varieties: ‘Buttercrunch’ (heat-tolerant butterhead), ‘Red Sails’ (colorful loose-leaf), ‘Parris Island Cos’ (upright romaine), ‘Marvel of Four Seasons’ (beautiful butterhead).
With its preference for cool weather, spinach should be planted early for best results. Regular planting every two weeks ensures a continuous harvest before it bolts.
- Best Varieties: ‘Bloomsdale Long Standing’ (classic and productive), ‘Space’ (smooth-leaved for salads), ‘Tyee’ (heat-tolerant hybrid), ‘Giant Winter’ (large, cooking-friendly leaves).
Swiss Chard
A resilient green that can handle a range of temperatures, Swiss chard will produce throughout the season with minimal care.
- Best Varieties: ‘Bright Lights’ (stunning multi-colored stems), ‘Fordhook Giant’ (large, dark green leaves), ‘Ruby Red’ (deep red stems), ‘Perpetual’ (compact for small gardens).
Among the first crops to be planted, peas thrive in cool temperatures. Install trellises at planting time and soak seeds overnight to encourage germination.
- Best Varieties: ‘Sugar Snap’ (sweet edible pods), ‘Oregon Sugar Pod II’ (disease-resistant snow pea), ‘Green Arrow’ (reliable shelling pea), ‘Super Sugar Snap’ (heavy producer).
Cole Crops (Brassicas)
Broccoli & Cabbage
Both of these brassicas do well when started in early spring, either by direct sowing or transplanting hardened-off seedlings.
- Broccoli Varieties: ‘Green Magic’ (heat-tolerant), ‘Calabrese’ (classic Italian), ‘Belstar’ (compact), ‘Eastern Magic’ (disease-resistant).
- Cabbage Varieties: ‘Golden Acre’ (early maturing), ‘Early Jersey Wakefield’ (pointed heads), ‘Stonehead’ (compact), ‘Red Express’ (quick-maturing red cabbage).
Indoor Seed Starting for Warm-Season Crops
While most indoor seed-starting happens in March, early April is your last chance to start these warm-weather crops indoors before transplanting them in late May or early June:
- Tomatoes (start no later than early April)
- Melons (4-6 weeks before transplanting)
- Cucumbers (3-4 weeks before transplanting)
- Winter Squash (3-4 weeks before transplanting)
- Basil (4-6 weeks before transplanting)
April Garden Tasks for Zones 4-6
Soil Preparation
- Test soil temperature regularly with a thermometer.
- Add compost and organic matter to planting areas.
- Remove winter mulch gradually to avoid shocking tender sprouts.
- Level and prepare beds for sowing.
Protection Plans
- Keep row covers or cloches ready for unexpected frost.
- Monitor frost forecasts and protect tender plants as needed.
- Ensure proper soil moisture to support seedling growth.
Garden Maintenance
- Begin regular weeding before weeds take hold.
- Set up trellises and plant supports before vining crops grow.
- Harden off indoor seedlings by exposing them to outdoor conditions gradually.
- Install irrigation systems for easier watering as temperatures rise.
- Start pest monitoring early to address issues before they escalate.
April in Zones 4-6 is when the garden truly comes to life, but patience remains a virtue. Success lies in understanding your microclimate, monitoring soil temperatures, and being prepared for fluctuating spring conditions. Whether you’re growing tried-and-true favorites or experimenting with new varieties, April is the month where the season’s potential truly unfolds.
What’s on your planting list this April? Are you trying any new varieties? Drop a comment below and share your spring gardening plans!