Seeds & Seedlings

The Differences Between Epigeal and Hypogeal Germination Explained

I know. Epigeal and hypogeal germination probably won’t be the most riveting topic at your next backyard cocktail party. Hear me out, though, because plant science is pretty dang cool.  Mind you, the differences between epigeal and hypogeal germination probably won’t matter very much in what you choose to plant in your vegetable garden. So […]

Seeds & Seedlings

What is the Best Temperature for Seedlings to Thrive?

Too hot or too cold, and those freshly germinated seeds won’t go anywhere. They won’t grow into those juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, or rich eggplants that we love. So what is the best temperature for seedlings? How can we make sure they thrive? I’m not here to call anyone out, but when you get those […]

Seeds & Seedlings

How to Clone Vegetables from Cuttings

If we can clone sheep, we can learn how to clone vegetables. At least, that’s my unofficial stance on the matter, since I have no idea how to clone a sheep. Besides, I have no great desire to clone a sheep. No matter. I do know how to clone vegetables, and it’s actually pretty easy. […]

Seeds & Seedlings

Starting Seeds Outdoors in Containers: A Pro & Con List

Like many things in life, success in gardening is all about timing. Plant your tomatoes in October and it’s unlikely you’ll have much to show for your work. When it comes to starting seeds outdoors, timing is absolutely critical. Start your garden too early and a hard frost could ruin your seeds before they get started. Wait too long and your plants won’t have time to mature before the weather gets too inhospitable. 

Seeds & Seedlings

How to Start Seeds in Rockwool

I never even knew what rockwool was before I started a hydroponic garden three years ago. To me, seeds sprout in soil, so why use anything else? However, now that I am germinating seeds all year long using an indoor garden that uses rockwool, I think it’s the easiest thing ever. Environmentally sound though? Let’s […]

Seeds & Seedlings

10 Tips for Starting a Seed Library for Your Community

You’ve probably seen those Little Free Library stands around where you can borrow or leave a book. One near me has some fantastic books; the entire Harry Potter series was in there not too long ago. As much as I love books, though, the idea of starting a seed library is far more appealing.

Seeds & Seedlings

3 Main Types of Vegetable Seeds Explained

Hi! I’m Amanda, and I’d like to talk about the different types of vegetable seeds. Why? Well, why not? Seeds are tiny miracles. It’s amazing to me that something the size of a tomato seed will, in the right conditions, grow into 10-foot tall, bushy vines that produce pounds and pounds of one of the […]

Seeds & Seedlings

10 Tips for Starting Seeds in Egg Cartons

Egg cartons, like popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners, are one of the quintessential craft items for school projects. You can turn an egg carton into a bird feeding tray or a spaceship. It’s perfect for holding odds and ends in your cupboard. And it’s perfect for gardening. 

Seeds & Seedlings

How to Select Good Seeds for Planting & What Bad Seeds to Avoid

Sometimes I think that if I spend time daydreaming about my spring garden, it will somehow conjure warmer weather and send the snowy New England chill packing! Before sketching out the placement for all my herbs, veggies, and fruits, I like to figure out how they will get into the ground in the first place. Deciding whether to plant from seed, seedling, or plant cutting dictates your planting timeline.

Seeds & Seedlings

5 Tips for Surface Sowing Seeds

If you think about it, the idea of surface sowing seeds isn’t that radical. I can guarantee there aren’t many gardeners carefully measuring out the perfect depth to plant dandelion seeds, and yet, they are everywhere. Blown randomly about by the wind, the seeds land in your yard, along well-trodden paths, and thrive in that […]