Spice & Herb Gardening

How to Create an Aquaponic Herb Garden

Imagine a stranger came up to you holding a bag of fish from the pet store and said, “Hey, you! Did you know you can grow a garden using live fish?” It’d be a little unsettling. But now imagine it’s me, your trusted gardening friend Amanda grinning at you while holding a bag of betta fish saying the same thing. I’m not selling this, am I? But it’s true!

Spice & Herb Gardening

10 of the Best Savory Herbs to Grow for Family Meals

I’m taking a leap here. Anytime you offer your opinion of “the best,” whether it’s savory herbs, kitchen utensils, or watering cans, you risk missing some good stuff. And since best is a rather objective term, your idea of the best savory herbs and mine might be completely different. And that’s okay.  With that caveat, […]

Spice & Herb Gardening

The Best Mulch for an Herb Garden You Can Make or Buy

There’s nothing like the fragrance of fresh herbs in the kitchen. I love the way they flavor a meal and add color to sauces. And I love how easy they are to grow. You can grow herbs like basil in a sunny windowsill, rosemary will stay fresh outdoors well into the colder months of the year, and I’m pretty sure mint would even grow on the moon. But can you help your herbs grow even better and stronger? Should you use mulch for an herb garden? 

Spice & Herb Gardening

Spices vs. Herbs: An Introduction to Growing Your Own

Let’s talk about spices and herbs. Or spices vs. herbs if you prefer, because there can be some serious debate around what’s what. Admittedly, it gets a bit confusing, especially since the two terms get used interchangeably so often. Then you get into things like curry or garam masala, which are not, in fact, spices. They are spice blends. 

Spice & Herb Gardening

How to Store Fresh-Cut Basil Leaves

If you planted basil this year, it probably seemed like it took a month to establish, then all of a sudden you’re in pesto heaven. But how much pesto can one person really make, right?

Spice & Herb Gardening

Antimicrobial Herbs You Can Grow at Home

Antimicrobial spices are certainly more well-known than antimicrobial herbs. Cloves, for example, are clinically proven to fight gum disease and they can relieve tooth pain. Cinnamon is revered for its antibacterial properties. And we all know that garlic can ward off vampires. (Incidentally, there’s some interesting folklore behind that, and some of it may be partially based on facts, but that’s a story for another time.) But herbs? Let’s see what the doctor says.

Spice & Herb Gardening

How to Bring Dying Herbs Back to Life

It’s a sad sight. You leave town for a day or two or just get caught up in life, and by the time you look at your garden, all you see are dying herbs. They’re wilting, formerly lush leaves now withered and drooping toward the ground. They’re sitting in your favorite pot, soil hard as […]

Spice & Herb Gardening

How to Make Cute Herb Stakes for Your Garden

It starts innocently enough. A seed-starter tray sitting in a sunny spot on your counter. Until you realize that you forgot to label them and now have to wait until the seedlings sprout to play Guess That Herb. I’ve been there, my friend. I’ve also been in my garden, mid-season, pacing around in circles looking for the chives that I know I planted earlier that spring.

Spice & Herb Gardening

How to Make a Mediterranean Herb Box Garden for Greek Cooking

Taramasalata, Tzatziki, Moussaka, Avgolemono…if you know these dishes and don’t think I just swore at you in another language, then prepare to be inspired. Having an herb garden makes it easy to spice and dress up your dishes all season long, and that’s why the savviest of gardeners plan theirs according to the types of dishes they love to make at home. If you’re Greek or love Greek recipes, then creating a Mediterranean herb box garden is just natural!

Spice & Herb Gardening

10 Edible Flowers to Plant with Herbs

I feel like one of the best kept secrets in gardening is around edible flowers. Edible flowers don’t just look pretty on your plate, they taste delightful, and they bring pollinators to your garden. When you choose edible flowers to plant with herbs, the results will make your garden a work of art. Vivid oranges and bright yellow marigolds catch the eye in a sea of green herbs. Delicate purple chive blossoms lend an air of royal sophistication to your nearby thyme.