Vegetable Gardening

7 Perennial Vegetables You Can Plant and Harvest Forever

The first time I planted an herb garden and saw my chives, sage, and thyme grow back in the second year, I jumped to wondering what other kinds of herbs and vegetables regrow a second season and beyond. Living in New England, even perennial herbs like Rosemary are considered “tender perennials” depending on how harsh your winter gets, so could there be perennial vegetables that differ in their perennial-ness, too?

Vegetable Gardening

7 Shallow Root Vegetables That Grow Great in Containers and Tough Spots

Nice as it would be, we don’t all have big plots of land and healthy, rich soil to grow our gardens. Heck, some of us don’t have any land at all, so we stick to container gardens on the balcony or front porch. Even though that may seem limiting, there are a lot of shallow root vegetables that work in containers or those tough spots that don’t seem useful for growing anything. 

Vegetable Gardening

5 Different Types of Vegetable Vines You Can Grow

Vertical gardening is very trendy these days, but I think it’s for good reason. Vegetable vines are great for growing “up,” and can be ideal for small gardens and containers. In fact, one of my city-dwelling friends manages to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and pole beans in a few large pots on the front porch. When I learned I could grow squash vertically around an arch trellis instead of, basically, everywhere they want to go, my life was forever changed.

Vegetable Gardening

60 Inspirational Quotes About Gardening

I love a good garden joke. Why doesn’t Elton John like lettuce?  He’s more of a Rocket Man. I was offered a job as a gardener, but I didn’t take it because the celery was too low.  Oh, ho, ho. Knee-slappers I say. You know what else I love? Quotes about gardening, and these inspirational […]

Vegetable Gardening

7 Common Vegetables that Should Not be Planted Together

I remember being in third grade and my teacher separated two of the annoying boisterous kids (okay, one of them was me), and said: “You two just can’t be around each other!”  We were constantly distracting others and getting into trouble. Well, not unlike a couple of disruptive 8-year olds, there are vegetables that should not be planted together.

Vegetable Gardening

Vegetables for Hot Dry Climates: A Zone 9+ Planting Guide

Planting zone 9 and higher is hot. For gardeners, that means a long growing season. In fact, if you plan it right, you could grow vegetables almost all year long! That seems alright by me! As any gardener knows, though, some vegetables are a bit “particular” about where, when, and how they grow. Then there are those vegetables for hot, dry climates that don’t need much more from you than a hand getting into the ground.

Vegetable Gardening

Attack of the Mutant Vegetables: The 6 Weirdest Vegetable Mutations

The first time I saw the mutant vegetables, I was scared. It was like a horror scene out of “The Walking Dead” or something. But then it hit me: Those were my carrots! That’s my corn! Oh my gosh, why is my tomato being so naughty? My mind raced with thoughts of how to solve […]

Vegetable Gardening

The 6 Best Carving Pumpkins to Plant Next

When planning your pumpkins for fall, it’s easy to get wrapped up in deciding on size, taste, and how much space they’ll need in your garden. With so many varieties available, finding the perfect pumpkin to suit your goals can feel a bit overwhelming. Whether you’re looking for plump, vibrant pumpkins to decorate your porch […]

Vegetable Gardening

Combinations of Vegetables that Should Not be Planted Together

You read that right. Even though there are lots of vegetables and herbs that complement one another in the garden, there are some vegetables that should not be planted together. Ever. They’re like the opposite of corn, beans, and squash. Or if we were to allude to popular culture, growing some of these vegetables together […]

Vegetable Gardening

10 Most Popular Companion Plants for Your Raised Bed Garden

When you’re digging into the wonderful world of raised bed gardening, one of the best-kept secrets to success is companion planting! It’s like inviting the right friends to a party—you get better conversations (or in this case, better growth, pest control, and flavor). Let’s take a look at how raised bed gardening and companion planting […]