Vegetable Gardening

The Health Benefits of Growing Vegetables at Home

The world of health sciences can be tough to keep up with. Is the bottle of red wine good or bad for you? That may depend on which research study you read. But one thing that’s pretty unanimous in the world of health is that you can get a lot of benefits by growing vegetables at home. 

Vegetable Gardening

17 Quick Growing Vegetables For Restless Gardeners

We all know that some of the joy of gardening is just being outdoors or getting some dirt under our nails. But let’s not kid ourselves, either. We also know that harvesting and enjoying that fresh produce is a big part of the fun. 

Vegetable Gardening

5 Ideas for Shading Plants from Sun in a Vegetable Garden

Ever go to the beach? The sun feels blissful. It’s bright and hot enough that it coerces you into the cold ocean waters. Then, after an hour or so, it gets unpleasantly hot. You wish you had the foresight to bring a beach umbrella. Instead, you’re just cooking because your friends aren’t ready to leave, but you also don’t feel like getting tossed around in the waves anymore. So you end up seeing how small you can get to fit your whole body under your beach towel.

Vegetable Gardening

Why You Need to Plant an Heirloom Garden This Year

If you’re a word nerd, you might appreciate that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “heirloom” as “something of special value handed down from one generation to another.” They also define it as a plant “that has survived for several generations usually due to the efforts of private individuals.” If that doesn’t make an heirloom garden sound special, I don’t know what does.

Vegetable Gardening

What is Garden Companion Planting?

There are a lot of ways to grow a successful garden. Companion planting is one of the best “next level” strategies to help with that goal. Companion plants are like your friend who encourages you to exercise and eat healthy. You can certainly figure out how to do that on your own. And you may even have what you need – fruit in the refrigerator, good walking shoes, and that exercise app that you downloaded months ago. But it’s amazingly helpful to have that one really annoying, er, helpful friend who cheers you on and holds you accountable.

Vegetable Gardening

How to Buy & Use Plant Shading in a Vegetable Garden

Plenty of vegetables out there love the sun. They could spend the day at the beach just lying on the sand and watching the waves. Other herb and vegetable plants? Not so much. They’re more the beach umbrella type; they like a little plant shading.

Vegetable Gardening

10 Things to Know Before Growing Organic Vegetables

If you could step into a time machine and go back a few generations, you’d have a heck of a time trying to find organic vegetables at the supermarket. Why? No one was growing organic vegetables. There was no such thing. People just grew gardens. It was as simple as that.

Vegetable Gardening

How to Transition to Planting Vegetables at Home Instead of Buying Them

If you think planting vegetables at home will be hard, try planting vegetables on Mars. In the 2015 movie, The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) is assumed lost and dead after a storm. His crew leaves the planet, and he is stuck with a diminishing food supply and the possibility of living on Mars for years before there is any chance of rescue. Naturally, he decides to grow a garden. It makes sense in the movie, but I don’t want to give too much away. 

Vegetable Gardening

10 Ways to Begin Preparing a Garden for Spring

I’ll admit that here in New England, it’s a little hard in the bite of the winter to think about preparing a garden for spring. It’s the time of year when many of us are starting to hunker down with our hot chocolates in front of the fireplace. Going outside is fine if you want to take a winter hike or hit the ski slopes. But gardening? Not so much.

Vegetable Gardening

5 Ways Covering Plants for Winter Often Fails (And How to Do it Right)

Winter means something different if you live in New England than if you live in southern California. But no matter where you live, when the temperature drops, your outside plants could use a little extra care if they’re going to survive. Covering plants for winter isn’t all that challenging, generally, but there are some pretty common mistakes that will leave you with a garden full of dead stalks and stems.