apple trees

5 Things to Plant in April

5 Things to Plant in April

Since you can still get some frost in April, always make sure whatever you’re planting is frost-tolerant, or simply wait until the end of the month. In terms of coming  
The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

The 10 Most Beautiful Flowering Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are the high-school overachiever of the garden. They’re the “4.0 GPA, flawless skin, all AP classes, volunteers at a nursing home” type. Flowering fruit trees are the darling  
Winter Dreams of Spring

Winter Dreams of Spring

This is the time of year that always starts to drag for me. The holidays have come and gone. The New Year is upon us. The falling snow has lost  
A Quick & Dirty Fruit Tree Cloning Guide

A Quick & Dirty Fruit Tree Cloning Guide

Unleashing the magic of fruit tree cloning—a time-honored horticulture practice In the realm of cloning, many of us might conjure images of Dolly the sheep or science fiction scenarios like the  
How to Dehydrate Apples in the Oven

How to Dehydrate Apples in the Oven

Fresh apples are divine but what if you can't eat them fast enough? At room temperature, fresh apples will last about a week. Then they start to get bruised and