Vegetable Gardening

Combinations of Vegetables that Should Not be Planted Together

You read that right. Even though there are lots of vegetables and herbs that complement one another in the garden, there are some vegetables that should not be planted together. Ever. They’re like the opposite of corn, beans, and squash. Or if we were to allude to popular culture, growing some of these vegetables together […]

Vegetable Gardening

The 10 Worst Best Gardening Jokes of All Time 

Hey there, fellow green thumbs and food enthusiasts! We’ve embarked on an epic quest through our vast network of food gardeners and scoured the Internet’s deepest, darkest corners to unearth the absolute cream of the crop when it comes to garden-related humor. We’ve suffered through countless puns, endured a deluge of garden gags, and emerged […]

Vegetable Gardening

Sharing is caring!

My dogs love fruits and vegetables. They would eat them all day long if given a chance. Every time I take out the cutting board, they are eagerly at attention, hoping for some scraps. I tell myself that when they are sitting there, looking at me with longing, that they are not actually begging, they […]

Vegetable Gardening

Why and How to Grow Nasturtium in Vegetable Gardens

Ever wonder why you see so much nasturtium in vegetable gardens? It’s a pretty flower, for sure, but there are plenty of beautiful flowers around. Why don’t you see Irises in vegetable gardens? What about daisies? They’re easy to grow, and they come in so many vibrant colors.

Vegetable Gardening

How to Prune Tomato Plants, Peppers, Cucumbers and More

If you’re new to vegetable gardening, you might see the six-pack of tomato sprouts at your local gardening center and think, “Wow, what a deal!” What you might not realize is just how big tomato plants grow. I’m 5’6,” and my indeterminate tomato plants are usually at least as tall as me. 

Vegetable Gardening

Our Annual Thanksgiving Cranberry Feud

Ah, the Thanksgiving when I discovered Ocean Spray cranberry jelly – it was a revelation that shook the very foundations of our family dinner table traditions. You see, Thanksgiving in our household was a serious affair, and cranberries held a place of honor right alongside the turkey. My father, the self-proclaimed gardening maestro and culinary […]

Vegetable Gardening

7 Ideas for Mulching a Vegetable Garden That Actually Work

The best piece of advice I got over ten years ago, in regards to weeds in my garden came from a friend of my mom who always has the most pristine garden. Each row between his plants were always clean, and never seemed to have sprouts or bugs. I assumed he must be hand-weeding, but when I asked he told me “nope, I just go out every day with a hoe and turn the soil—haven’t had to bend over to pick a weed or mulch a day in my life.”

Vegetable Gardening

Are Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Yams Related?

Ah, the holidays, a time when families come together, and tables groan under the weight of delectable dishes. I can vividly recall one particular holiday feast as if it happened just yesterday. There, spread before me, was a veritable potato parade that could have made even the most dedicated spud enthusiast dizzy with delight. It […]

Vegetable Gardening

Tomatoes: The Fruits of Our Labor

Ah, tomatoes. The plump, juicy orbs of summertime. The base of every good marinara sauce. The bane of every green thumb’s existence. But where did these delicious fruits come from? And why are they so darn finicky to grow? First, let’s travel back in time to the 16th century. Tomatoes, native to South America, were […]

Vegetable Gardening

Attack of the Mutant Vegetables: The 6 Weirdest Vegetable Mutations

The first time I saw the mutant vegetables, I was scared. It was like a horror scene out of “The Walking Dead” or something. But then it hit me: Those were my carrots! That’s my corn! Oh my gosh, why is my tomato being so naughty? My mind raced with thoughts of how to solve […]